
Vice President Rick Perry?

Gov. Rick Perry is on the short list - Perry is one the top three picks Bill O'Reilly gives today, to be John McCain's running mate. Bill O'Reilly of the "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News says :

"And the third name is Texas Governor Rick Perry, a conservative with an edge who would pull few punches in going after big government Democrats."
God help us if Mr. 39%, that land grabbing - freeway tolling freak, has any chance of being a Vice Presidential nominee. Perry is already jumping threw hoops, salivating for his dream, as he slams Obama and Clinton every chance he gets in the press.


Anonymous said...

Goes to show you how much of a non-conservative O'Reilly is. To all political hacks, nothing matters but their own party. To hell with citizens.

Anonymous said...

I've been a McCain supporter so far, but he's lost my vote if he picks Perry as his Veep. I sure hope this is just Fox News throwing out its usual propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Let him go and be VP, get him out of Texas! The sooner the better!

Anonymous said...

I agree with McCain's stance on leaving Iraq slowly so Iran doesn't take it over. I have considered voting for McCain but there's no way in hell he'll get my vote or keep my respect if Perry is his running mate! Why, why would he pick Perry! Where Does McCain stand on tolls anyway? CNN should have asked Hillary and Obama and should certainly ask McCain because Bush tried to sell our ports to Dubai.

Anonymous said...

He [McCain]would choose PERRY because he NEEDS a Texas VP to insure success in Amnesty for illegal aliens AND to insure the NAFTA highway is not delayed. As VP he would have MORE POWER and, in fact, it could be "his baby" project!
The New World Order is happy because McCain or Hillary...either one will accomplish the global agenda. OBama is an "outsider" and we had better pray for him because these people play HARD BALL when it comes to ANYONE who stands in their way. They assassinated JFK, among others, and TRIED to get rid of George Wallace when he appeared to be close to the Democratic nomination. There are too many other "hits" to mention but you get the idea. Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I felt insulted & immediately hung up yesterday on a recorded promo "from" Mr-39% King-Dick Perry for McCain. I hope O'Reilly was just trying to create a controversial topic for his own show ratings. McCain had better realize that King Dick's alliance is going to cost McCain by netting less than 39% among Texas voters! So says DAN JASINSKI

Anonymous said...

McCain's a military man in a military family. My gut feeling, which hopefully isn't wrong, is that unlike Bush, he has at least one or two kids or grandkids in the military. Also unlike Bush, I would THINK that he'd know not to let the fox in the hen house- not to sell our critical infrastructure to foreign companies, even if he could have a huge backdoor profit, because that would endanger his family members in the service. I mean c'mon. We're at war with Arab countries in the middle east, and although Dubai is probably a great place to visit and relatively liberal, I would think in McCain's mind it really wouldn't make sense from a security standpoint to sell our ports to them. Although Spain's a great country to visit and so is Australia, it still doesn't make sense to sell our highways to them. Why would they have any interest in keeping weapons and illegals out of the country. There's no financial incentive not to collect tolls. Legal immigration- sure! Bring it on! I love hispanic culture in Austin. But having a foreign, for-profit company control our national security is letting the fox in the hen house.

Sal Costello said...

McCain helped PPP toller Mary Peters get her job as head transportation honcho for the feds.

It goes on and on......



Do a search for Mary Peters on my blog.

Sal Costello said...



Anonymous said...

Well screw McCain then. I stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

If McCain chooses Slick Perry for veep that will pretty much guarantee his loss come November. Perry has plenty of skeletons in the closet for the mainstream media to dissect, and I'm sure they will be on him like stink on sh*t.

Anonymous said...

I don't know which is a worse nightmare scenario - Perry as Transportation Secretary or Perry as VP. I thought we were safe when Guiliani went down in flames, but I should know not to feel safe until Perry is back on a ranch herding cattle!

Anonymous said...

Now what do you have against cattle? Why wish Perry on anything that walks or breathes? Maybe he could just go to another country and help them export more goods so they could be trucked through Texas. He needs to go, sooner the better. He didn't have enough time to think through his TTC catastrophe, but he found time to write a book.