The Dukes family doesn't want the truth to get out. The Austin Chronicle is reporting that the "Dukes family has fired back with their own defamation complaint" and the Chron posts the youtube video that I produced for above:
The complaint continues that the "gist of the Ads is that the entire Dukes Family is corrupt."If you click on the link above you'll see the Dukes family and lawyer filed suit against opponent Brian Thompson for the video - they apparently failed to see the end of the video, where it says
I don't fear much, and I certainly don't fear telling the truth about Dukes corruption. Read the 2004 Statesman report about the Dukes contract in 2004 HERE.
FIRE Dawnna Dukes by hiring Brian Thompson - he's a good egg and he's endorsed by our group. Tell everyone you know in East Austin to "Fire Corrupt Dukes"!
I am surprised you haven't been sued before today. You continuously slander leaders in our community, from Strama to Watson. You have no ability to be rational, especially with the transportation issues we face. Life is not always black and white. I can not believe anyone in our community even listens to you.
I've been threatened with lawsuits many times. Just search this blog.
The reason I've not been sued, is because I speak the truth.
I wrap myself in the truth - the truth will always protect.
Screw those who fail to listen to those they pretend to represent. If they profit by ignoring us, someone must stand. I stand. Since 2004 I've stood here. And, I'm not moving till we are heard.
Publishing the truth is not slander no matter the medium.. video, print, radio, whatever. Their lawsuit doesn't float because there's nothing in the video that hasn't already been verified as fact and published by different sources. Let them waste there time and money Sal. Thanks for stirring the political pot.
"...slander leaders in our community, from Strama to Watson..."
I see no slander here. If you dont like what you read, then dont come to the site. Why dont you point out specific slander and maybe I will listn, till then, Brian gets my vote, and Sal gets my attention.
Keep up the good work Sal. Its funny they want to sue you over a 15 sec spot, but have said nothing about the news report that aired the other day. EAST AUSTIN wake up! Dawanna is selling you out!
To the douche bag at the top of this post: The truth shall always prevail. If you want to look the other way to corruption, then that makes one question who you are and your motives. I think that you are a toller who has sold your soul to money.
I'm guessing you are Heileginstein or one of the other crooked bitches and pricks that are attempting to screw the citizens of Texas. Are you that naive to what is going on?
Sal will prevail. He has been threatened before but he fears no one. Certainly not you and your ilk.
Now go F yourself.
Surpise ANONYMOUS (6:49p.m. 29Feb) obviously listens to Sal, too, despite anonymous's own "rational ability" of contradictions and shallow beliefs. COMMUNITY LEADERS ARE NOT those who exploit constituencies for the personal greed of SELF-SERVING INTERESTS (e.g. political financiers, a.k.a crony bribers) at the expense of the common good ... comments Dan Jasinski
Tollers can suck it.
From the Statesman in 2004:
"Rhone (Stacey Dukes-Rhone), according to records and interviews with mobility authority officials, has been doing public relations work since February for the mobility authority under a contract with HNTB, the mobility authority's general engineering contractor for its first project, the U.S. 183-A toll road. That tollway, already under construction, was unrelated to her sister's vote in July.
But Rhone also worked on public outreach on the seven-road plan in the runup to the July 12 vote. Her contract allows her to receive as much as $44,400.
According to Richard Ridings with HNTB, the lead engineer on the project, she has been paid $26,000 so far and has billed an additional $6,000.
Her contract specifies her start date as Feb. 1 this year, and the agency, in a letter to Barrientos released Friday, said Rhone has worked for the authority since Feb. 18. But Rhone did not sign the contract with HNTB until July 7. Ridings signed on July 13, the morning after the toll road vote."
- American Statesman, Saturday, Sept 18, 2004
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