
Giuliani (and Mr. 39%) Bubble Bursts

Like a fat lady jumping into a life raft with a gapping hole in it, Gov. Rick Perry dropped everything this weekend to fly off to Florida to help Rudy Giuliani campaign for president, with a desperate hope of becoming a vice president. None of it is meant to be.

After a shameful 15% (3rd place) showing in Florida last night, Giuliani is expected to formally drop out of the presidential race today. By endorsing Guiliani, Gov. Rick Perry has gambled what little political capital he had and lost.

Giuliani's strategy called for losing the important early primaries and then winning in Florida. Asking an unpopular Texas Gov. to come to the rescue in Florida appears to be yet another comical error in judgement.

Many were surprised with the unlikely relationship between Perry and Giuliani. Not surprising, the connection was money. Bracewell & Giuliani's political action committee gave $10,000 to Perry in 2006. The unpopular Gov. Perry created the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC), and Giuliani has already profited off the first leg of the TTC. Giuliani's lawfirm, Bracewell & Giuliani, represents Cintra, the Spanish Company who will be building one of the first portions of the massive TTC toll road (Nafta Super Highway). Another toll road giant Macquarie, purchased Giuliani’s investment bank last year.

Gov Perry (who won his own election with only 39% of the vote) was the only Governor to endorse Giuliani.


Anonymous said...

About two years ago, Perry sold his company that was, I think, called Giuliani Capital Partners to some Texans and he bought it for about 3 million and sold it for about 8 million. For a short term, few years investment in this economy, that was a payoff, not just an amazingly good investment. So could it be that Mr. 39 percent was rewarded for his evil roll in 9-11?

Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller, was Mr. 39 percent's Texas GOP campaign manager. Shows how in cahoots Combs and Perry are.

I don't think Perry "gambled substantial political capital and lost."

Perry has no political capital to gamble. Perry's support of his partner in various secret government crimes, including TTC and 9-11, was simply Perry's doing what his puppetmasters demanded. Perry is not a free agent. He is a purchased and controlled agent just like Giuliani.

I believe if Giuliani was meant to win the R. presidential primary, it would have happened. Guiliani dropping out is planned. He has played the role he was supposed to. The fact that Mr. G. is probably even less pupular with the people that Mr. 39 percent is irrelevant. Those who control our elections and control the minds of many people do not belong to any political party. Their goal is to take down the USA.

Anonymous said...


I meant to say Susan Combs was Giuliani's Texas campaign manager, NOT Mr. 39 percent's.

Anonymous said...

"Mr 39%" LOL. I wonder if Slick Rick get's pissed off when he sees or hears someone calling him that. We should all picket at the next legislative session with Mr 39%, Adios MoFo, and "TransSexual Corridor" T-shirts along with Gov.GoodHair wigs on our heads. Man would ole Slick be steamed!! HEHEH

Anonymous said...

Rick had Ted Nugent play at his inaugural clad in a confederate flag -- not a black face in sight (he'd had a "separate but equal" dinner the night before, complete with gospel singers). Then he stumped for Julie Annie going down in flames.

Maybe he should go back to worrying about the deranged individuals he keeps running into at his church.