
Anti-corridor rally timed for graduation day

By MICHAEL RODDEN, Nacodoches Daily Sentinel

While Gov. Rick Perry was in Johnson Coliseum addressing SFA graduates, on the other side of campus a group of citizens were not so happy about his appearance in Nacogdoches.

In the free-speech area of campus, near North Street and Vista Drive, many farmers, property owners and concerned citizens gathered for a Citizens Against the Trans-Texas Corridor Rally.

Holding protest signs and using a tractor as a symbol of the farming community, those who gathered wanted to make their cause heard by the governor, as well as the community. Many vehicles traveling on North Street honked in support of the anti-TTC cause.

Libby community resident Larry Shelton said it's important to keep the opposition alive.

"It's a bad idea for Texas and a bad idea for Texans," Shelton said to a crowd of supporters. "Gov. Perry thinks the TTC is the solution to the state's traffic problems, but the TTC is a problem itself, not a solution."

In fact, many whose property could be affected by the multi-lane mega structure turned out to hold signs and echo the cause.

Kathy Brittain held a "Come and Take It" flag symbolic of one used during the Texas Revolution in 1835. She said it signified their fight with the government, and that they would not freely give up their land — it will have to be taken with a fight.

Brittain said her family's land is located near the proposed TTC footprint, and if her land isn't taken, she is concerned about the pollution and noise issues the corridor might bring.

Steve Chism wasn't as subtle with his message. He referred to the TTC toll road issue as "taxation without representation."

"I believe Perry is part of greed and corruption of the highest order," Chism said.

Read the rest of the article HERE

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