The “Sleazy Six” tollers are running scared! One by one, the CAMPO “Sleazy Six” tollers are announcing that they won’t run for reelection. Don't you just love a good pattern?First, Round Rock Mayor Nyle Maxwell announced he wouldn't run again in early November.
Then in late November, Rep. Mike Krusee, the architect of freeway tolls and TTC, announced that he wouldn't run again. Read the article "Why Krusee Really Quit" to get the details.
Now this week, Georgetown Mayor Gary L. Nelon tells the Statesman that he’s bailing out as well!
And get this, a high ranking elected source within the City of Kyle administration has told me that Mayor Miguel Gonzales will NOT be running for reelection.
A call into the City of Cedar Park shows that Mayor Bob Lemon has plenty of time yet to "bail out" - since filings for that position haven’t even started yet. File for this Mayors position between February 9, 2008 and the deadline date of March 10, 2008 in case he runs.
THIS GUY WITH A BIG FAT TARGET ON HIS BACK IS Travis Commissioner Gerald "Oak Hill Toller" Daugherty. Daugherty has filed for reelection, according to Republican headquarters, and he has two D opponents for the general election, but he’s yet to get a Republican opponent. Deadline to file as an R is coming up fast - Jan 2, 2008. I've got a special place in my heart for GD . This Hee-Haw fool is my district rep so contact me if you are interested in running as an R - Let's pile on GD! (
The “Sleazy Six” are the CAMPO board members who are up for reelection and voted to divert $910 million tax dollars to shift Central Texas freeways to toll roads. Our targets since October 2007, the “Sleazy Six” ignored the public’s will and voted to toll existing freeways like 71W, 290W, 71E, 71W, and 183 with our tax dollars.
Changing CAMPO Allows us to chip away at the toll plan.
Other 2007 CAMPO board members who voted to divert $910 million tax dollars to shift Central Texas freeways to toll roads, but who are up for reelection AFTER 2008 are:
- Sen. Kirk Watson - Term ends 2011
- Council Brewster McCracken - Mayor in 2009?
- Williamson Commish Cynthia Long - Term ends in 2011
- Travis Judge Sam Biscoe - Term ends in 2010
- Travis County Commish Sarah Eckhardt - Term ends in 2010
- Mayor Will Wynn - Term limited 2009
- Council Betty Dunkerley - To retire in 2008
- Capital Metro John Trevino - Unelected, Unaccountable.
- TxDOT District Eng. Bob Daigh - Unelected, Unaccountable.
- Rep. Mark Strama
- Rep. Dawnna Dukes
- Sen. Steve Ogden
- Sen Dan Gattis
Who Voted To Toll MoPAC?
Everything You Need To Know About Austin Freeway Tolls
Commissioner Daugherty Places Profits Over Our Families Safety
KXAN report: CAMPO Has No Accountability System For Spent Money
2005 Statesman Article covers Daugherty Anti-Toll Thong
Hundreds of anti-tollers locked out of Toll Road Hearing.
Why Krusee Really Quit
STATESMAN: The Invisible 'Double Tax' Tollway
clicking on the envelope icon below.
Thought Huber was a big time republican? Isn't she only running to stymie all road projects (toll OR OTHERWISE) in your district? One would have to be nuts to support her -- or else be aligned with their own very narrow special interest! Puhleese! Why not run as a Republican? Is she afraid she can't beat GD? Why don't YOU run Sal?
I'll think about running when you work up the courage to post your real name. You special interest tollers have the nuts of a flea.
: )
I'm wondering if the sleazy incumbents, especially Krusee, are slithering out of elected office to collect "some fruits" for their collusion such as lucrative non-accountable appointments from their consortium. Past emails sounded like Sonleiter now enjoys a comfortable government position despite her election defeat.
Yes, these crooks are all showered with opportunities after they ignore the public and do the dirty work for the special interests.
They can't stop us from changing the things we can change - like stopping them from tolling our public expressways with our tax dollars.
Keep in mind, they hate being run out of office. Karen Sonlietner was shocked and embarrassed that she lost her seat. She thought it would never happen.
Last year, during her election, I had one of the volunteers drop the hard hitting 4 color postcards (with her wearing a crown and toll money coming out of her pocket) within a 2 block radius of her house. When he dropped one at her door, she came running outside with a bath robe on (just out of the shower) - screaming like a crazy person, flailing her arms cartoon style.
Ah, good times. Good times.
Krusee is also embarrassed that he was forced to resign, and his wife wasn't to happy about his mistress.
The way I see it - they can represent us, or they can choke on it.
Happy holidays folks!
Your Pal Sal
: )
KS isa now back working FOR the county? As an employee? Has that ever ben reported elsewhere? Guess I missed it.
Huber is an interesting choice. A rabid GOP activist until deciding to run as a Democrat. What is she thinking?
And Krusee and his mistress......when are you going to tell us the rest of the story Sal? What's up with that?
Strange times.....
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