
2 Statesman Letters to the Editor Today

Re: Sept. 11 article “Tollway backers out in force.” Ben Wear’s report on the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization board meeting would lead one to believe that the home builders, developers, real estate executives and road builders who wore white hats with the “Take on Traffic” logo represented the ordinary people of Austin instead of the special interest that will benefit from the proposed massive highway projects.

Granted, most of the early speakers did support the proposed highways. The reason had more to do with their ability to line up well before 5 p.m., when the sign-in started. Most ordinary people were just getting out of work; by the time they reached the Capitol, the sign-in period was over.

It does not make sense to spend $411 million to build two or three miles of elevated tolled highway to relieve congestion at the Oak Hill “Y.”


Re: Sept. 11 article “Tollway backers out in force.” That headline was misleading. It should have read: “Paid tollway backers out in force.”

Young men in Austin do not voluntarily wear business suits when out in the evening supposedly representing their own interests. Every “Take on Traffic” backer I saw at Monday evening’s meeting was dressed like they were paid to be there.

The American-Statesman should tell us who is providing “Take on Traffic” with its funding.


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