
Author of 2 Year Moratorium Speaks Out.

Sen. Nichols stands strong and gives statement. Alicia Phillips, Press Secretary for Sen. Robert Nichols, sent me an email just minutes ago. Nichols is the author of SB 1267, the 2 year moratorium. Her email asked if I would give her a call. I did.

Sen. Nichols wanted to make it crystal clear, that he is NOT holding up SB 1267. He wants the bill to go up for a vote.

Nichols said:

"The effort to halt private toll road deals is not over. We will continue working to prevent Texas from entering into bad agreements that will hold our transportation system hostage for the next half century.

Pursuing a short-term solution with dangerous long-term consequences is not the answer to alleviating traffic congestion. A two year "cooling-down" period gives us a chance to get these contracts right before we sign away control of our transportation system."

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