
How Double Tax Tolls will fund Trans Texas Corridor

In Sunday's Star Telegram, Perry's appointee to govern TxDOT says the money we spend on tolls could end up paying for Prop 1 unlimited rail debt! That means our toll dollars would pay for Union Pacific's new rail across Texas - what a deal for U.P. - who continues to make record profits.

"Williamson said toll road revenues could be
among the sources of repayment (for Prop 1 rail debt)."

- Star Telegram

Houston Business Journal/MSNBC

Prop 1:

"Opponents argue that private companies should pay to get their lines out of cities and that the fund will provide a blank check for the state to take the heat off those companies -- many of which are political contributors to Gov. Rick Perry's campaign coffers. Perry's controversial Trans-Texas Corridor plan would also benefit from the fund"

MPO Director said this about Prop 1 rail fund, "moving the freight line could create problems for businesses that rely on access to trains"

As people vote, more information comes out. Todd Staples finally tells the truth on how Prop 1 rail will help pay for Trans Texas Corridor. Also, an MPO Director spills the beans about how even after taxpayer pay unlimited taxes and debt for generations (to rejuvenate private industries rail), industry rail still needs to get into cities! More problems equals more of our taxdollars down the line.

“It's possible that we may need to work on recruiting a short-line company to bring freight to and from our urbanized area to a main line,” he said."

- Waco Tribune


30-count US indictment on Gov. - Racketeering, Extortion & Graft with Toll corp. - How Toll business and corruption works hand in hand.

Texas Representatives list of who voted AGAINST Accountability, AGAINST constituents and FOR Double Tax Tolls & Trans Texas Corridor Catastrophe.

VIDEO: Tricksters KRUSEE & STAPLES vs. Costello on Prop 1 corporate rail gravy train


Krusee and Staples try to double talk and double team on unlimited tax, debt and Trans Texas Corridor Prop 1 rail fund in this News 8 Austin story. Gov. Perry, Mike "Double Tax" Krusee and Todd "Loopholes" Staples have taken tens of thousands of dollars from Corporate railers like Union Pacific (who will benefit from taxpayer giveaway Prop 1) according to the Texas Ethics Commission. These tricky "tax, toll and spend Republicans" have an unquenching thirst for the taxpayer dollar.

"Lawmakers pushing for Proposition 1 say it has nothing to do with the mega-transportation project known as the Trans Texas Corridor. And yet, Prop. 1 would facilitate many of the projects that fall under that plan.

Opponents of the amendment say it's a sneaky way to get voter approval."




TOLLROADSnews.com: Litigation and more litigation for Pro-Tollers!


Union Pacific Profits Surge. Profits rise 83%.

Councilman Raul Alvarez: Integrity (so much for the others)

From Aus Chron today:

Last Thursday, with the ink barely dry on that morning's agenda, the ongoing debate over the proposed Central Texas toll road study careened onto the dais. One of the council's first items was approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Austin, Round Rock, surrounding counties, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization – all stakeholders in CAMPO's proposed, toll road-centered, mobility plan (some holding noticeably more stake than others). Raul Alvarez had pulled the item from the consent agenda, while expressing concerns over the direction and independence of the study's steering committee. Brewster McCracken tried to sooth Alvarez concerning the study's delay, arguing that as noncity stakeholders joined what had originally been the city's get-together, the study's scope inevitably expanded. Unsoothed, Alvarez characterized the newcomers as party crashers. "We get two votes on – potentially on – what the study says and does, versus us being the managers … driving the process," he said. "It's great to be working with everyone, but it does raise some questions with me about how independent the study is going to be." Alvarez's doubts were milder versions of the outrage already expressed by toll-road opponents, most notably the Austin Toll Party's Sal Costello.

For his part, McCracken said the study and steering committee represent "the best example of [regional] cooperation in Central Texas history" – take that, Envision Central Texas – and that any fears of the study changing direction were unfounded, as its financing makes it "pretty dang near set in stone." The measure passed 6-1, Alvarez the lone wolf. "To a certain degree," he said afterward, "it's out of our hands now."


County Commissioner who says 95% oppose freeway tolls Blackballed from the governor's office.

Van Os - AG candidate: Vote NO to special interest-dominated amendments!

"Propositions 1 and 9 are on the ballot to speed up the Perry Government's rush to put higher profits into the bank accounts of private developers at the taxpayers' expense, through the public subsidization of privately owned and operated transportation facilities by the actions of un-elected developers' cronies. Just vote NO."

Brazoria County Facts: No Prop 1 "railroad companies ought to be paying a higher share."

Eminent domain bill has catch: Trans Texas Corridor is not covered.


David Gets Governor Goliath in front of Press!

From TexasTollParty.com organizer Linda Curtis:
Dear Friends: After receiving an anonymous tip, 3 of us brave souls "greeted" Gov. Rick Perry as he showed up for his photo op while early voting at the Courthouse in Austin this morning...(
Click on "comments" below for more of the story)

Click here for NEWS 8 story and VIDEO: Krusee vs. Costello on Prop 9

"The comptroller came out with this report and showed that the Regional Mobility Authorities create double taxation without accountability. And that these folks are giving no-bid contracts to themselves and their friends. They shouldn't exist, let alone get six-year terms," Costello said.

Groups Unite: "Special interests can get to the back of the line."

Daily Texan - NO to Prop 1 & 9

"In a time where our legislators can't seem to come up with enough money to give the state's children a basic education, it seems unreasonable to be subsidizing the rejuvenation of privately-owned rail lines."
– Daily Texan, 10/24/05


Flyering Squads hit the streets to shoot down Props 1 & 9

Contact: Linda Curtis
TexasTollParty.com Organizer


Flyering Squads hit the streets
to shoot down Props 1 & 9


Austin, TX, October 21, 2005 - TexasToll Party.com (like the Boston Tea Party) will launch flyering squads of volunteers at intersections across Austin this Saturday at 11:00 am to urge the defeat of two key propositions to support Gov. Perry's plans to privatize and toll public highways and fund his unpopular Trans Texas Corridor. Texas constitutional amendments, Prop 1 & 9, will be on the ballot starting Monday, in this upcoming election and will open the door for unlimited taxes, limitless debt, the mammoth 4,000 mile toll road known as the Trans Texas Corridor, and the unpopular "double-tax" urban tolls.

Prop 1 rail fund opens the door to unlimited tax and debt - for Texans to fund privately owned rail in the $200 billion Trans Texas Corridor. Proposition 9 will break the Texas constitution's term limitations for unelected board members to the new regional "toll authorities" - who will set the tolls on roads we've already paid for - extending terms from 2 years to 6 years.

What: Volunteer Flyering Squads to Derail Prop 1 & Bust Prop 9
Who: Grassroots TexasTollParty.com volunteers
When: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 22, 2005
Where: Oak Hill at the Y, Mopac & Parmer, 71 & Burlson and more...


TexasTollParty.com Office, 4533 Avenue A, #208, Austin, TX 78751

Debate Over Moving Train Tracks


Gov. Perry's Prop 1 unlimited tax and debt Gravy Train.

"If you like subsidizing Amtrak,
you'll love subsidizing Union Pacific!"
– Gov. Tricky Ricky comments on Prop 1 rail fund as it
will open the door to taxpayers paying tens of Billions in tax
and debt to subsidize private rail companies
such as
Union Pacific
for Perry's $200 Billion Trans Texas Corridor.

Meanwhile, Union Pacific Reports Fifth Straight Year of Revenue Growth last year and gives tens of thousands of dollars in contributions to Perry, Krusee & Staples. It's an easy big government gravy train when the editors are asleep at the wheel and the voters vote for unlimited taxes and debt on themselves, their kids and their grandkids.

PLUS...OUR FULL FAITH AND CREDIT IS SPECIAL INTERESTS INSURANCE POLICY! Texas taxpayers will also guarantee payment of our generous corporate welfare of tens of Billions to the Trans Texas Corridor land grab. That's right, when dedicated revenue is insufficient to cover the payments on the Billions in debt we incur for the private rail corporations, such as any bonds, notes, obligations, or credit agreements - we pledge the states full faith and credit to bail out the boondoggle. The money keeps flowing when you're the special interests and Gov. Perry has your back!


"This is going to be an amendment to issues bonds, and we're the ones who will be holding the bank." - State Rep. Dora Olivo, on Prop 1.


Dallas Letter to Editor: "The ploy is to move private rail into Gov. Rick Perry's Texas Corridor, after he promised no public funds would be used."

Gas to be had for 85 cents a gallon.

32 counties formally oppose Trans-Texas Corridor.

With members in 174 counties, CorridorWatch.org
has been a moving force in Texas.

32 counties have passed formal resolutions opposing the Trans-Texas Corridor: Bastrop County - Blanco County - Bosque County - Brewster County - Colorado County - Concho County - Edwards County - Falls County - FayetteCounty - Gillespie County - Gonzales County - Grimes County - Guadalupe County - Hill County - Kendall County - Kerr County - Kimble County - La Salle County - Lee County - Limestone County - Live Oak County - McCulloch County - McLennan County - McMullen County - Mason County - Menard County - Milam County - Navarro County - Raines County - Real County - Waller County - Wharton County (Many other counties continue to raise concerns and issues to this day).

Each county above has written their own resolution, although they have borrowed
text from each other. Here are two representative samples:

The 32 counties above took action because of the work of David and Linda Stall of CorridorWatch.org. David and Linda Stall are true Texas patriots who love Texas and have dedicated many months of their lives educating citizens and elected officials about the truths of the Special Interest Trans Texas Corridor.

The Stalls are selfless and devoted to their country. They are some of the best people you will ever meet, have no ties to special interest and will make you more proud to be a Texan than you might already be.

One County Commissioner Judge asked David Stall to come to his court to discuss the TTC after another commisioner put in the request. The Judge was a skeptic and said up front that David could only speak for 15 minutes. After the first 15 minutes, he asked him to speak for another 15, and another and another.

If you are an elected official
, care about Texas, and would like to ask David to come and speak in front of your government body, email him today and ask: davidstall@corridorwatch.org


Toll road share price fall as motorists boycott.

"It is imperative that Texans recognize the truth and vote-down Propositions 1 & 9 with a vengeance."

Statesman: Prop. 1? It sounds like a freight train.

Government greed is behind toll failure.

Great quote from SA TTP Director Terri Hall

Perry's plan to shift all our public highways to tollways is nothing like what has happened in our country before.

Traditional tolls have been designed and built as toll roads. And, they have been built with investor dollars.

Perry's public highway tolls will hold Texans hostage to pay a toll to drive on freeways we've funded, just to go to work, school and shop. And the rates will be set by unelected people that have been found to give no-bid contracts to themselves and their pals.

The SA Texas Toll Party Director Terri Hall has some great words of wisdom on her blog:

"Mr. Krusee, I have some very basic principles to share with you, so please pay attention. Free market principles cannot apply to limited public assets like roadways. We, the consumer, can't go build a competing road if we don't like the way a private corporation builds and tolls our existing ones."


Aus Chron: Independent Review "highjacked" by pro-toll stakeholders.

In Dallas News: "Open-ended corporate subsidy scheme — a blank check"

SA Express Business reporter needs to go back to school.

An SA Express "Business" reporter published a Pro-Prop 1 article called "A vote for rail relocation fund is a vote to boost S.A. economy". It claims the new taxpayer funded tax & debt rail fund is a good idea. Well, he didn't mention the taxpayer possible pricetag of Billions of our dollars, just like the Perry folks who continue to drop those flaming bags of tax & debt poop at our front doors.

Colorado is not Texas. Colorado does not have a rogue governor trying to force a $200 Billion dollar Trans Texas Corridor on Texans. Perry promised no tax dollars would be used. Prop 1 proves that Perry will use tax dollars for the TTC.

My response as printed in the SA Express:

Rail fund is bad business.

Re: David Hendricks' column "A vote for rail relocation fund is a vote to boost S.A. economy" (Business, Oct. 5): Would you agree to buy a car without seeing a price tag? I wouldn't either. How about buying a car without a price tag for a neighbor?

Proposition 1 is just that, but worse. It's an
open-ended corporate subsidy scheme — with blank checks. Taxpayers will pay unlimited tax dollars to move private rail lines — in some cases into Gov. Rick Perry's controversial Trans Texas Corridor.

Perry promised that no public funds would be used. Did he keep his promise? No. The corridor is in direct opposition to Texas' Republican Party platform. While private special-interest corporations profit, families pay more as they help fund the largest land grab in Texas history — Perry's Trans Texas Corridor.

It gets worse. Our state debt commitment also will be open-ended for the Proposition 1 rail fund, like a credit card with no ceiling. The state is committing taxpayers to massive debt for generations, while private special-interest corporations profit. I agree that private rail, in some cases, should be relocated, but not without a price tag or terms or limits. It's fiscally irresponsible and bad business.

Let's get real. Vote no to special interests' unlimited taxes and debt.

Sal Costello, founder,
People for Efficient Transportation
and TexasTollParty.com,
Austin, TX

After article below, Peter Samuel/TollRoadsNews.com emailed me- "See caption under the second pic Sal, You are adept with a pry bar I hope."


"Independent" Review Hijacked by Toll Authority.

The foxes decide they will guard the hen house.

Last spring, the City of Austin unanimously approved an Independent Review of the Toll Authority's plan for Austin. As the City resolution states, phase 2 toll roads (tolls placed on public highways) have "generated controversy and division in our community", and "there is widespread desire for independent review of the information related to that plan". The review did not begin last spring, even though the resolution from March 3, 2005 promised the study would NOT be delayed,
"The city manager is directed to inquire if the RMA (toll authority) or other government entities would be willing to participate in the cost of the study, however the study is not to be delayed"

City of Austin Councilman Brewster McCracken has spent many months looking to "expand the study" by searching out more funds. Mind you, the city had the bare bones study fully funded with $150,000. But, Brewster said he wanted the study to include alternatives. Today the additional funds are lined up with the toll authority putting up to $125,000 or 35% of the funds for the review.

For months McCracken said ALL the meetings would be made open to the public, that a citizens committee would steer the neutral company hired to produce the study, and the community would have full opportunity to speak up in this very public independent review. Brewster said "Everything will be open and in the sunshine"

A draft of the interlocal agreement shows the truth. The process has been hijacked by the toll authority:

• City pays majority of the study but majority
votes come from outside the city, and the
same people
that voted to toll roads we've
already paid for!

The Toll Authority (CTRMA) is the
Project Coordinator!

• Process not open: Secret meetings are
public cannot speak at all meetings,
and review
committee not subject to
open meetings act.
GET THIS: The pro-toll committee can decide NOT to accept the study results!

How can the toll authority do an "independent" review on themselves? Who are they kidding? McCracken's Independent Review could not be more of a sham, or less "independent". These greased weasels really must think we are stupid. They keep wasting more of our time and our tax dollars. It's like ENRON auditing themselves.

"TxDOT has sponsored legislation in the state assembly that would give it veto powers over regional tollroad projects"


Will Oil Prices Scupper Toll Roads?

Pro-Toll Guru Slams Perry's TxDOT.

Peter Samuel, the father of traditional toll road privatization, editor of the nations premier pro-toll newsletter called TollRoadsNews.com, is also a Senior Fellow of a think tank that pushes for an almost "militant" privatization of toll roads - and privatization of just about everything else. That think tank is called the Reason Public Policy Institute.

Now, the Pro-Toll Peter Samuel speaks out and thrashes Perry's TxDOT in his newsletter,

"Heaven knows Texas DOT is vulnerable.

It has no coherent explanation
for its project selection, or for the way tax and toll monies are mixed. It has been cavalier in proposing tolls on highways already funded - breaching a long-established piece of political wisdom about tolling.

TxDOT produces precious little analysis of costs and benefits, yet it is pressing ahead with a huge array of toll projects."

Rising fuel costs seem to be reducing traffic on at least some Australian toll roads

RFID: Track, Trace, Toll and now automatic Traffic Tickets.


November 8, 2005 Election: "Tax Wolves in sheep's clothing". Early voting begins October 24th.

In 2001 a proposition was placed as a referendum to voters that developed the Texas Mobility Fund. Texans voted for "mobility" and Prop 15 became a constitutional amendment. Only later we found it was the first "Tax Wolf in sheep's clothing".
The ballot language of Proposition 15 did not openly and accurately inform voters that the Perry-motivated special-interest plan would allow Perry's TxDOT to toll our public highways and push the Trans Texas Corridor forward.

Perry's Prop 15 took accountability and the will of the public out of the equation - so special interests could seize OUR LAND and OUR ROADS.


And, here comes the "Tax Wolf" rearing its ugly head again
with the Proposition 1 rail fund. It's a similarly smoke-screen voter trick as was Prop 15, except this time it's after more of our tax dollars by subsidizing private corporations rail.
Proposition 1 is an open-ended corporate subsidy scheme --- a blank check. Taxpayers will pay unlimited tax dollars to move private corporation rail lines into Gov. Perry's Trans Texas Corridor, and this after the governor had promised Texans that no public funds would be used.

And, it gets worse. Our state DEBT commitment also will be open-ended, like a credit card with no ceiling, for state bonds that may be issued from this new fund. In a veiled power-play and further by amending the Constitution to authorize the creation of this fund, the state is committing its taxpayers to massive debt for generations.

accountable, unelected people decide how the taxpayer based rail fund is spent, as corporations profit. The new bloated bureaucracy is empowered with our unlimited tax dollars and debt to move forward with the largest land grab in Texas history --- Perry's unpopular Trans Texas Corridor. The Corridor is in direct opposition to the platform of the Republican Party of Texas.


Proposition 9 allows non-elected, unaccountable Tolling Authority board members extended term limits.
Under the proposal, current 2-year term limits would expand to 6 years for appointed members of Perry's Regional Mobility Authorities (RMAs). These new and powerful special interest bureaucracies will have the authority to privatize and toll our public highways, and without urgently needed accountability, they will set the toll rates for roads we've already paid for with tax dollars!

Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn put out a comprehensive scathing report that shows how RMA's create "double taxation without accountability". Strayhorn also found conflicts of interest, favoritism and self-profiteering as board members gave NO BID contracts to their friends and their own companies. Gov. Perry's RMA boards should be required to abide by the standard provided in the Constitution that limits the terms of members of such boards to two years.

The open-ended language of Props 1 and 9 appears to adhere to an integrity standard, but of course they don't mention the Trans Texas Corridor, the land grab, unlimited taxes,
unlimited debt, lack of accountability and double-tax issues.

We must STOP the "Tax Wolf" at the next election starting with early voting on October 14th and on election day, November 8th. Say NO to Prop 1 & 9. Call our TexasTollParty.com office at 512.371.9926 to work with us to stop the Tax Wolf.

Strayhorn: "I intend to fight to halt this project"


– – – – – B R E A K I N G N E W S – – – – –


Governor Perry and Metropolitan
Organizations Sued.
Lawsuit claims Constitutional
under the Separation
of Powers Provision.

Lawsuit claims Gov. Perry lacks authority to complete
his unlawful plan to privatize and toll public highways.

Austin, TX. — People for Efficient Transportation, Inc. filed a lawsuit today in the District Court of Travis County, on behalf of taxpayers throughout Texas against Governor Rick Perry. The lawsuit takes Gov. Perry to task, as the state's Chief Planning Officer, for allowing unlawful Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to allocate federal dollars, which includes allocating funds for Perry's plan to privatize and toll our tax funded Texas public highways.

Governor Perry has mandated that MPOs shift our public freeways into tollways across the state; however, the PET Inc. lawsuit claims MPOs simply have no authority whatsoever to dispense funds for such an unpopular and seemingly unconstitutional plan. That includes allocating tax dollars to Gov. Perry's unelected, unaccountable Regional Mobility Authoritys (RMAs) which will set the toll rates for our already tax funded public highways. It's important to note that public highways have never been shifted to tollways in the history of our country.

Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO - www.campotexas.org) and San Antonio Metropolitan Planning Organization (SAMPO - www.sametroplan.org) are also named in the suit as two of the many MPO boards in Texas are allegedly violating the Texas constitution. The constitution clearly states there must be a "separation of powers between the legislative and executive branch", however, the MPOs have legislators, yes, State Representatives and Senators, serving on these administrative boards.

The first leg of Rick Perry's Trans Texas Corridor, a 4,000 mile plan of supertollways, was approved by Capital Area MPO in 2000 without the MPO having one statute that allowed it to allocate tax dollars to the 130 Corridor just east of Austin.

"The Governor has no clothes." said PET officer and founder Sal Costello, "At this moment, a Texas law simply does not exist to allow Rick Perry to complete his plan of converting our public highways to tollways.”

Costello added, "Rick Perry's Double Tax tolling scheme takes existing public highway projects that are fully funded with gas tax dollars, some on the verge of completion, and turns them into toll roads at the last minute. It's a double tax. It's morally and ethically wrong. The Governor is being deceptive when he tells the public that he won't toll existing highways. This deception allows billions of dollars worth of taxpayer-funded roads, and right of way in Texas to be shifted to toll roads, to hold Texas families hostage to pay a toll to drive to work, school or shop. On top of that, he's doing it without following Texas law."

Sal Costello continued, "Gov. Perry calls his plan to toll our already tax funded roads 'innovative financing'. We call it Highway Robbery!"

MPOs such as CAMPO represent a hodge podge of board members. With State Representatives and Senators serving unconstitutionally on these MPO boards, State Representative Terry Keel has stated there is "an inherent conflict of interest.”

Backed by outraged taxpayers throughout the state, PET Inc. is suggesting a good government solution to the current dysfunctional and unconstitutional MPOs: 1) Dismantle the current unconstitutional MPOs. 2) Replace the current MPOs (http://www.dot.state.tx.us/tpp/mpo/map.htm) with legal entities composed of seven-member boards serving two year terms. Texas citizens should elect five “at large” seats, the Governor appoints one member, and the local transit organization appoints the seventh member of each regional board.

The Governor is coming under fire from some members of the press who see his scheme as bad for Texas. Rick Perry's "innovative financing" made Texas Monthly's "Top 10 ways to Fix Texas.” The article includes "Stop the toll road menace" at the #2 position. It states, "Turning planned freeways-that’s freeways-into toll roads in urban areas and holding commuters hostage is downright un-American and un-Texan.,” Texas Monthly, 8/05.

People for Efficient Transportation, Inc, is a nonpartisan grassroots watchdog organization seeking efficient transportation solutions, good government and accountability. PET is not opposed to traditional toll roads that are designed and built as whole new highways that complement free expressways. Traditional tollways are primarily funded with investor dollars. In contrast, "freeway tolls" are funded with tax dollars to create a revenue-generating machine that does not solve traffic congestion. Freeway tolls shift public highways to tollways and hold drivers hostage to pay a fee to drive to work, school or play.

People for Efficient Transportation, Inc. is represented in this suit by the Texas Legal Foundation and its President and General Counsel, former Texas Supreme Court Justice Steve Smith.

It’s clear where the Perry administration stands on toll roads. The Governor and his appointees want to turn a great many of our highways into tollways. Consider this quote from Ric Williamson who was appointed by Rick Perry to govern TXDOT: “In your lifetime, most existing roads will have tolls.”

Contact: Sal Costello
Email: imacsal@aol.com

People for Efficient Transportation, Inc.
9901 PO Box 90715
Austin, TX 78709-0715

District Court of Travis County
Case Number: GN 503618



Texas Legal Foundation
710 West Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701



The Texas Legal Foundation (“TLF”) today filed suit on behalf of People for Efficient Transportation, Inc. against Governor Rick Perry, the Texas Department of Transportation, Capitol Area Metropolitan Transportation Organization (“CAMPO”) (www.campotexas.org) , and the San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Transportation Organization (“SAMPO”) (www.sametroplan.org).

Former Texas Supreme Court Justice Steven W. Smith, who is TLF's president & general counsel, said: “The purpose of the lawsuit is to make these local public entities more accountable to the voters.”

David Rogers, TLF's policy director, said: “This lawsuit is exactly what the Texas Legal Foundation was chartered to do. A supermajority of Texans oppose tolls on taxpayer-funded highways, and want government to be accountable for toll decisions, but those desires have been ignored by government.”

Smith added: “Even though polls show that more than 80% of central Texans oppose the governor's toll-tax plan, CAMPO and SAMPO have repeatedly chosen to endorse that fundamentally flawed plan.”

In the suit, People for Efficient Transportation, the plaintiff, makes the following legal allegations: (1) Neither the governor nor the Texas Department of Transportation has authority under Texas law to create special districts like CAMPO and SAMPO; (2) Legislators serving on the CAMPO and SAMPO boards violate the separation of powers provision of the Texas Constitution; and (3) neither CAMPO nor SAMPO have authority under Texas law to appropriate the tens of millions of dollars they spend each year.

The plaintiff does not request injunctive relief at this time, but expects that the Legislature will respond to a declaratory judgment in the plaintiff's favor by adopting, in a timely manner, legislation that properly authorizes CAMPO and SAMPO. The plaintiff, TLF and others will pressure the Legislature to pass legislation that, in addition to fixing the constitutional flaws raised in the suit, makes those entities more accountable to the Texans they serve.

The Texas Legal Foundation is a nonprofit corporation chartered to advocate “conservative public policy positions that are held by a majority of Texas citizens but that have not been implemented by the government.”



Email I just received from reliable source...

1:30pm - Kathleen was stopped by TxDOT on Hwy. 183 in between Luling and Gonzales -- to do a 4 minute survey. They had a laptop computer. They wanted to know things like what County she was from, where she was going, for what purpose, when was the last time she got out of her car.

They were stopping every 4th car and the traffic was all backed up. They did not give her the option of not doing the survey. Conducted by Mark Surveying Team and were doing it for TxDOT. The had a big sign a few miles before you get to them "Warning, Highway Traffic Survey Ahead."

TxDOT, the Tax Vampire is powerless to toll I-35 when Waco, TX has no fear.

TxDOT is putting an effort into using their clumsy charm and lies before they bring out the blackmail and fangs with Waco. TxDOT wants to toll part of I-35, an existing highway, with right of way Texans have already paid for. Like a half-baked tax vampire, Gov. Rick Perry's TxDOT is desperate to drain some daily tax dollars out of Texas families.

Thankfully, the blatant tolling bull hasn't won over Waco local officials. The Waco Metropolitan Planning Organization, a transportation planning group made up of area governments, voted last year to maintain toll-free interstate lanes only.

Yesterdays Waco Tribune reports more good wisdom from Waco:

"Russell Devorsky, chairman of the group's policy board and a member of the Bellmead City Council, said the department (TxDOT) shouldn't be in the business of profiting from existing roads.

When you have free public roadways that are already existing, I just don't believe in going back and tolling them, even the additional capacity,” Devorsky said. “I think we've already paid a public price through the eminent domain process” when the interstate highway was originally developed in the 1960s."
Central Texas falls for TxDOT lame lies.
In 2004, TxDOT's Central Texas District Engineer Bob Daigh lied through his crooked fangs to the public and the local MPO in Central Texas. His lie was intended to frighten the Central Texas elected fools into voting for tolls, because the additional gas tax needed would just be too high for people to accept. The Central Texas officials bought his lie - hook, line and sinker. Bob Daigh said, in numerous public meetings, and a CTRMA press release in 2004, "...the alternative of paying a $2 to $3 per-gallon additional gas tax would never be accepted."

Then the truth came out. Just months ago, in 2005, CAMPO Executive Director, Michael Aulick, estimated it would only cost an additional 2 cents per-gallon in local gas tax to build all the roads in the plan as free roads. 2 cents is a universe away from $2 to $3 dollars.

The moral of the story? Don't buy what Perry's TxDOT is selling.

The man who knew too much (about toll roads)


Ongoing Battle: Houston suspends Toll project development.

3 EZ Steps to be a Self Serving Fowl Politician.

1. Vote to Toll Already Tax Funded Roads.
2. Raise Taxes Again for next years Budget.

3. Give Foul Self a Raise.

These 3 Travis County Commissioners voted to privatize and toll already tax funded public highways
- a first for the U.S. They voted to raise our county taxes this past Thursday, Sept 29, 2005.

Sam Biscoe, Karen Sonleitner, and Gerald Daugherty, approved the 2005-06 Travis County budget, giving a blessing to a plan that calls for a larger tax increase, nearly double, than what the county's budget office proposed. So much for representing the families of Travis County.

Recently, an Austin City Councilman discovered that Central Texas drivers will be charged 10 times the national average per toll road mile, for some sections, or the equivalent of a $20.00 per gallon gas tax!

Under the approved Travis County budget increase, the average property tax bill will jump to $812.96 next year, an increase of $41.73 more than this past year. In addition, they also unanimously voted to give themselves a raise!

It's time for Texans to wake-up to the travesty perpetrated in the special interest push for toll roads and the blatantly self serving politicians who push them. Will you remember the names of Biscoe, Sonleitner, and Daugherty when it's time to vote? Print out this complete list of Central Texas looters, and put it in your wallet, or post it inside a cupboard door, for when election day comes.

Travis County Commissioners:
Limitless taxers without a conscience.

Sam Biscoe, Judge (DWI Photo from last year) - Daryl Slusher, who voted NO to Toll Plan is expected to take on Biscoe in 2006 (At-Large).

Karen Sonleitner, Commissioner - Running UNOPPOSED in 2006. HELP FIND A VIABLE OPPONENT IN PRECINCT 2 ASAP!

Gerald "Oak Hill Toller" Daugherty, Commissioner - Seat up in 2007.

Don't forget who the blatant taxers are.