The founder of shines a light on the dark corners of special interest boondoggles: Double tax tolls and Trans Texas Corridor tax, toll & debt schemes.
...and the following article showed up in Google. Actually, it seems to fit what the Alamo RMA is doing!
Prostitutes Use Public Funds To Teach Solicitation Techniques Summary: A prostitution group known as Phoenix in Australia has used health department funding to publish a booklet showing prostitutes how to keep their clients.
I was searching the Internet for info on the use of public funds for political polling....
...and the following article showed up in Google. Actually, it seems to fit what the Alamo RMA is doing!
Prostitutes Use Public Funds To Teach Solicitation Techniques Summary: A prostitution group known as Phoenix in Australia has used health department funding to publish a booklet showing prostitutes how to keep their clients.
...and the following article showed up in Google. Actually, it seems to fit what the Alamo RMA is doing!
Prostitutes Use Public Funds To Teach Solicitation Techniques
Summary: A prostitution group known as Phoenix in Australia has used health department funding to publish a booklet showing prostitutes how to keep their clients.
I was searching the Internet for info on the use of public funds for political polling....
...and the following article showed up in Google. Actually, it seems to fit what the Alamo RMA is doing!
Prostitutes Use Public Funds To Teach Solicitation Techniques
Summary: A prostitution group known as Phoenix in Australia has used health department funding to publish a booklet showing prostitutes how to keep their clients.
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