2 EZ steps to file an
"Open Records Request"
- within minutes - ONLINE!
I've filed about 70 transportation based requests over the past 20 months with TxDOT, RMA, Senators, State Representatives, Mayor etc. I've learned the easiest ways to get information, and I want to share it with you. You can request any information from YOUR government.1. Write your request. Copy and paste one of the base letters below, fill in your own dates, name, and specific info (about specific roads, rail, dollars, communications etc) you'd like to receive. Ask to come into their office to review the information. It is FREE. If what you request is less than 40 pages, they will mail it to you for free! If you decide to go view the documents, you can get copies of only the limited items you'd like (much cheaper than the cost of having everything copied. I've seen estimates of $100's or $1,000's for requests):
2. Submit the request online. Here are a few examples of where you can start requesting information right now...IT'S YOUR GOVERNMENT.TxDOT Go to:
http://www.dot.state.tx.us/Click "Contact Us" in top bar to left.
Select and send to "Public Information Office"
Select "Request for Information"
Fill out the rest and submit.
GOVERNOR "FREEWAY TOLLER" PERRYhttp://www.governor.state.tx.us/contactCTRMASend your request via email to:
spustelnyk@ctrma.org &
mstein@ctrma.orgCAMPOSend your request via email to:
michael.aulick@campotexas.orgFEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONSend your request via email to:
foia.officer@fhwa.dot.govMAYOR "DOUBLE TAX" WYNNSend your request via email to:
Will.wynn@ci.austin.tx.usSend yourself a copy of the letter for your records. If you don't get a reply within 2-3 weeks call the AG's office at (877) 673-6839, then file a formal complaint.---------
With the rights granted to me under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, I request to come into your office and view the following:
Any and all information, correspondence, including but not limited to, letters, facsimile transmissions, contracts and e-mail messages, discussing any TxDOT employees or contract workers involved in any corruption, misappropriation, fraud, embezzlement, graft, contract fixing, good old boy profiteering, and the like between October 1, 2001 and December 22, 2005.
A list of all past TxDOT employees or contract workers that have been reprimanded, fired or asked to retire or resign for any corruption, misappropriation, fraud, embezzlement, graft, contract fixing, good old boy profiteering, and the like between October 13, 2001 and December 22, 2005.
I would also like the TxDOT comprehensive balance as of December 22, 2005, of all TxDOT accessible accounts to see if TxDOT has run out of money.
Thank You,
Your name here
Mailing address here
Phone here
With the rights granted to me under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, I request to come into your office and view the following:
All documents showing all TxDOT financial support to CTRMA to date. Any and all information, correspondence, including but not limited to, letters, facsimile transmissions, contracts and e-mail messages, to and from TxDOT, CTRMA, Texas Transportation Commission and all executive decision makers.
Thank You,
Your name hereMailing address here
Phone here
CAMPO Executive Director Mr. Aulick,
With the rights granted to me under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, I request to come into your office and view the following:
1. All correspondence, including but not limited to, letters, facsimile transmissions and e-mail messages for each CAMPO board member as well as CAMPO director Micheal Aulick from June 1st, 2004 to July 14, 2004. All day calendars, day journal and appointment books for each CAMPO board member as well as CAMPO director Micheal Aulick from January 1st, 2004 to July 15, 2004.
2. Any and all documents pertaining to reasonable alternative routes on nontoll roads for each and every toll road in the toll road plan approved by CAMPO on July 12, 2004. This requests includes, but is not limited to, diagrams and drawings.
3. Any and all traffic studies and reports pertaining to each and every toll road in the toll road plan approved by CAMPO on July 12, 2004.
4. Any and all revenue studies and reports pertaining to each and every toll road in the toll road plan approved by CAMPO on July 12, 2004.
5. Any and all environmental studies and reports pertaining to each and every toll road in the toll road plan approved by CAMPO on July 12, 2004.
6. Any and all documents pertaining to the rights-of-way acquisition costs and locations for each and every toll road in the toll road plan approved by CAMPO on July 12, 2004.
Thank You,
Your name hereMailing address here
Phone here
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