
Perry's Office Sees NO Toll Moratorium At All

by Patrick Driscoll
San Antonio Express-News

Now that legislators have gone home and trumpeted how they passed a bill to freeze private financing of toll roads, the governor's office has some bubble-busting news.

There isn't much of a moratorium in Senate Bill 792.

"Of any kind, that we can tell," said Robert Black, spokesman for Gov. Rick Perry. "Unless there was something screwy that happened." Read the rest of the article HERE.


Max Concrete said...


You were well ahead of the press when you exposed SB 792 as a fraud last week. Maybe you motivated the press to get to work and seek the truth.

Nothing is worse than to see Ric Williamson happy. Because when he is happy, we lose and toll interests start to plan for profits.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I am really pissed about this!!!

See my Statesman blog at:


Anonymous said...

That is the problem, even when you passa bill suspending new Toll Roads our officials in the 37% Perry administration deal with it like an Ostrich and stick their heads in the sand, like they don't see it!!! We need to indict them for Texas State Law violations and TREASON to the taxpayers!!!!