
Toll Authority Admits it Impedes Traffic

Citizen says toll authority is impeding traffic.
Toll authority (CTRMA) admits, in an email, that it impedes traffic on free roads close to toll roads (even after it promised that additional lights would not be added to free roads to make tolls more attractive.)

Dear Toll Authority,

Just what in the heck are you doing with 183 just south of the San
Gabriel river? It appears, from I map I've seen, that you are going to direct all 183 traffic through a new stop light on 183A, instead of leaving the old road intact?

Malcom Terry
Toll Authority Responds:
From: spustelnyk@ctrma.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:38 AM

Subject: RE: Contact Page Request, CTRMA.org

Dear Mr. Terry,

Thank you for visiting the Mobility Authority Web site. Your observations
regarding US 183 are correct.

As you head south on US 183 from Liberty Hill you will automatically be shifted onto the new 183A frontage roads. If you want to stay on US 183 you will have to make a right hand turn at a traffic signal that is currently being installed. The 183A corridor will be the primary corridor for traffic in that area once it opens. In order to safely merge the two roads together we had to install a traffic signal. If I can answer any further questions, please let me know.

Steve J. Pustelnyk Director of Communications
Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority

(512) 996-9778(Office) (512)680-9997 (Cell)
Citizen replies:
Mr. Pustelnyk,

183A is not the primary corridor for those of us who have business in
Leander and Cedar Park. If this was purely to improve mobility, then there would be seamless flyovers to minimize the impact on existing roads.

183A is way over-priced with rates as high as $1.50 a mile in some places. The rate of $1.80 for the whole 11.6 mile trek, around Leander and Cedar Park, is still outrageous considering that the "free" frontage road system on the northern section will be just like
Parmer Lane, in that drivers will have to go through traffic signals every few miles. I just don't see how you can charge that much for and incomplete expressway. If you don't want to see a revolt, you had better advise those private investors to consider pricing the toll roads at a reasonable rate, put toll booths (with cash options) at every exit so that drivers pay for only the section they drive on, and to quit messing up the existing roads to favor the toll ways.

It has become obvious to me that this whole toll road system has less to do with improving mobility and more to do with lining the pockets of private toll road investors and property developers along the old and new routes. We were sold a bill of goods by being told that the toll roads would lighten the load on existing roads. What we were not told (although we should have known) is that the existing roads were going to have more traffic impedance via more signals, an explosion of development and therefore more traffic than ever before.
I will be contacting Senator Steve Ogden, Representative Dan Gattis, and Governor Rick Perry about this. You and I both know that the government can do whatever they want and if we turn-up the heat on those good ole boys who made this sweet deal for private investors, we may just get the roads put back into the hands of the people. I suggest you keep your resume updated.


Malcom Terry

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