
Unaccountable, unelected toll board approves budget.

The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (a mini TxDOT) board on Wednesday approved its budget for fiscal 2006. The spending plan is dominated by construction costs for U.S. 183-A. The authority, created in 2002, has no authority to levy taxes -- but it can, and will, collect daily taxes they call "tolls", mostly from roads we've already paid for.

Traditional toll roads in the U.S. have always been funded with investor dollars. Many of the freeways the CTRMA would like to toll are already paid for. Freeways have never been tolled in the U.S. The unelected, unaccountable board has full discretion to set the toll rate for our freeways.

The CTRMA borrowed most of the $254.8 million it has on hand. In the coming year, according to the budget, the agency will spend $125.8 million to build U.S. 183-A, a tollway in Cedar Park and Leander, and $9.8 million to pay off debt. In addition, the new additional bureaucracy will spend $3.3 million on operations and $3.1 million on studies of future freeway toll projects.

By the end of the 2005-06 budget year, the agency estimates, it will have $119 million left. The authority will not have a steady source of revenue until U.S. 183-A opens and begins generating tolls, scheduled to happen in March 2007.

Read the Comptrollers Report Here


$51 Million TxDOT/City of Austin bribe/blackmail contracts revealed:

Here they are (read more about them in an article from a couple days ago below): 71, 183, and 290

Contact your City of Austin council members andtell them to 1. Say NO to the phony 50 million "rebate" and 2. Tell TxDOT that the city WILL NOT pay a penny toward tolling any Austin area freeways. This needed resolve from our council will make statewide news and help keep tolls off our freeways.

TexasTollParty.com spreads to San Antonio!

Linda Curtis and I met a San Antonio couple at the Capital Rally against the Corridor some weeks ago. Since then, we've gone to San Antonio for their first meeting. That SA meeting was just last week and about 30 folks showed up. It does not sound like much, but the Blacklands had 50 for their first meeting and the next one had about 1,000. It looks like Terri and her husband are ready to rock and roll!

San Antonio's MPO meets in the middle of the day, so folks who work can't attend.

The following is from TODAY'S San Antonio Express-news:

"The Metropolitan Planning Organization, not much more than a ghost to many motorists, has suddenly been thrust into the spotlight thanks to the looming shadow of toll roads.

The planning board, which oversees local transportation projects, last year slipped about 60 miles of toll roads into its 25-year plan with nary a peep of public protest. The first 47 miles are eyed for the northern half of Loop 1604 and on U.S. 281 from the loop to Comal County.

Board Chairman Lyle Larson was the lone dissenter of the day, and at the time regurgitated his familiar speech about how state officials are shifting costs of state highways to local communities — words that he says have alienated him from state leaders such as Gov. Rick Perry....

"...This is taxation without representation, which started the Boston Tea Party and now the Texas Toll Party," said Terri Hall, a resident of Spring Branch north of San Antonio.... READ MORE HERE

Last week's San Antonio Express-News gives us a great compliment:

"Grassroots grumblings over proposed toll lanes on the North Side are like whimpers compared with fights against toll plans in other parts of Texas, but those whimpers have been heard all the way to Austin.

Battle-tested toll critics in Austin are vociferous, tireless, organized and willing to help activists here raise a ruckus...."READ MORE HERE


Hearing Update 4:15pm

I just got back from the Hearing. The judge did not dismiss the case as WILLIAM "Buddie" STEELE III, the Locke, Liddell & Sapp attorney for the CTRMA requested. The judge said she'd come back with an answer by the 8th of July.

I don't know what attorney school WILLIAM "Buddie" STEELE III went to, but this zany guy actually tried to persuade the judge to dismiss the case based on the Central Texas REGIONAL Mobility Authority NOT being a REGIONAL entity. That was rich! Thanks for the laugh Buddie! Your a peach.

Buddie Steele is the same funny attorney that claimed, in court three months ago, that we were "only taxpayers", and we didn't have the right to file the lawsuit in the first place. Buddie didn't tell the court that our tax dollars allowed the CTRMA to go in business. Gerald Daugherty, Bisco, Sonlietner as county commissioners, all voted to give them about $550,000 of our tax dollars as seed money. And, then of course, it's our tax dollars that are paying for the freeways that the CTRMA will try to toll us for.

BRIAN CASSIDY is the CTRMA attorney from Locke, Liddell & Sapp that handles the RMA's freedom of information requests. I don't know if he was in "the dog house" with Buddie or not, but, he wasn't sitting in the attorneys table. He sat in the audience seats. And, no, I don't think he was part of the "The Village People". Folks, you've got to come to these court hearings. It's truly entertaining.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Unconstitutional RMA Hearing set for Today.


People for Efficient Transportation, Inc. filed a Lawsuit March 1, 2005 in State of Texas District Court against Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA - Toll Authority). A hearing is set for Tuesday, June 28th, at 2pm at the Travis County Courthouse. A verdict is expected.

The lawsuit has exposed RMA's throughout Texas as having unconstitutional board terms. Under House Bill 3588 an RMA board has 6 year terms. But, a provision in the State of Texas Constitution says a regional entity must be 2 years or less. The state constitution trumps state law.

The lawsuit has already caused a reaction in an attempt to fix the problem. State Representative Mike Krusee, who also authored the freeway tolling HB 3588 that caused the issue, proposed a constitutional amendment in the last session. HJR 79 will appear on the November 8, 2005 ballot, and will authorize the legislature to "provide for a six-year term for a board member of a regional mobility authority."

PET Officer and founder, Sal Costello said, "Mike Krusee, the special interests representative from Williamson County, is trying to tinker with our constitution. His work on the amendment to increase the current terms proves our lawsuit is valid and we should win this legal fight for all Texans. Texans should come out in droves in November to say NO to extending unelected RMA board members terms from 2 to 6 years. RMA's are wasteful buracracies. We need to get rid of these mini-TxDOT's."

Also, since the lawsuit was filed, Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn concluded her RMA investigation called "A Need for a Higher Standard". It shows how an appointed board that is allowed to privatize and toll our freeways translates into a true double taxation without accountability, and that the RMA's loose management practices cost all Texans more. NOT surprisingly, Comptroller also found favoritism and self-enrichment as board members gave contracts (without bids) to their friends and their own companies. (http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/ctrma05/)

The lawsuit, along with a recent focus on the RMA problems is causing a ripple effect for RMA's across Texas. Regions are now thinking twice about creating RMA's. "It opens the door to open-ended new taxation that will amount to THE LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN TEXAS HISTORY.” said Lyle Larson, Bexar County Commissioner

"RMA's represent Taxation without Representation. Unconstitutional, non-elected RMA board members should NOT be allowed to toll our freeways. RMA's are nothing more than a special-interest boondoggle, and the comptroller's report proves that.", commented PET Officer and founder, Sal Costello.

Along with People for Efficient Transportation, Inc., Hannah Riddering is a co-Plaintiff named in the lawsuit. During the past 18 years Riddering has made her living driving a taxi cab. "Because this toll plan will charge Texans a fee to drive on our freeways, it's an additional tax. It'll be an ongoing burden for the public and people like me who drive for a living." stated a concerned Ms. Riddering.

CONTACT: PET Officer, Sal Costello


Conflicts, Bankruptcies, and a Convicted Criminal (Involved in trying to toll our freeways).

The CTRMA, the first public highway tolling authority in the country, is made up of mostly Williamson County people, even though Williamson County is one-third the population and most the toll roads are in Travis.

Should Williamson County be tolling Travis County?

Robert Tesch, CTRMA chair, has real estate interests in Williamson County that will benefit from the tolls on 183A, the CTRMA's first toll road. Comptroller Strayhorn reports that one of his properties have already increased more than 600% in value since he became chair. Tesch defaulted on "personal, business or student loan(s)" as disclosed in his “Governors Appointment Application", not to mention a bankruptcy in Dallas and pending foreclosure in Plano.

James Mills, CTRMA Board member, has a bankruptcy and his real estate interests can benefit from the tolls. The CTRMA board hired Mike Heiligenstein, as Executive Director, even with a bankruptcy in his past. Heiligenstein get a 120,000 a year salary (plus car expenses). Mills and Heiligenstein have been doing land deals together for years. Yes, they're both from Williamson County!

Should those who have failed in their own finances be in charge of tolling our freeways? Should these unelected people toll us for freeways we've already paid for while their friends get "no bid" contracts?

Numerous ties to WilCo convicted criminal Amos "Pete" Peters have recently been found in the comptrollers report. Peters 20 year CRIMINAL RECORD includes check swindling, criminal mischief, DWI, larceny and four fraud convictions. He's spent two years in jail and also earned $4,000 a month from WilCo's road bond budget. Records show, TxDOT’s District Engineer Bob Daigh met with Peters many times in 2004, at times alone and other times with Mike Weaver of Prime Strategies, Inc.

Financial campaign reports show Pete Peters has also contributed to Karen Sonlietner. Weaver has hired Peters company, The Communicators, for bond projects in Williamson County before. Mike Weaver's Prime Strategies, Inc helped create the CTRMA and profited well. Past invoices from HB Media to the CTRMA show "Pete" Peters made $150 an hour and about $12,000 a month. To this day Peters works with HB Media. I'm told they are working hard on getting Trans Texas Corridor media projects through Cintra.


Official bankruptcy affidavit records show that Mike Heiligenstein, now CTRMA executive director, owed James Mills & Mike Robinson in the Heiligenstein bankruptcy. Then as Williamson County Commissioner, Heiligenstein appointed Mills & Robinson as CTRMA board members. As CTRMA board members, Mills & Robinson hired Heiligenstein as Executive Director of the CTRMA.

Should these characters be tolling us for freeways we've already paid for?

Last year the CTRMA said it would cost 12 to 15 cents a mile per toll. Only a year later we find out the price has increased to 44 to 64 cents a mile.

Sign one of these petitions today: Central Texas REPLACE TOLLERS or REPLACE Texas LOOTERS


Rick Perry: "You've got to fight-for your right-to keep secrets"

Rick Perry's TxDOT and toll road builder Cintra Zachry filed a lawsuit Friday objecting to the state attorney general's May 31 decision that details of Perry's Trans-Texas Corridor deal become public record. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's ruling that the records be released was in response to an open records request filed by the Houston Chronicle.

More from Houston Chron Here


TxDOT/City RUSHED tricky contracts postponed!

Due to public pressure, the city council postponed the TxDOT freeway toll right of way contracts near the tail end of the 1:30 in the morning council meeting. The items were withdrawn without a new date set. We expect them to pop back up within weeks.

THE CONTRACTS AND THE BACKGROUND: When CAMPO approved Austin-area toll conversions, it did so given the existing understanding about how toll roads would be financed. Just days ago, the state legislature passed a bill that shifts 50% of the utility relocation burden of toll conversions from TxDOT to Austin.

TxDOT wants to "advance" the cost of this new obligation ($51 Million) to Austin but its a phony rebate to create a "feel good" windfall.  TxDOT, the Austin City Council, and the American Statesman (in their headline) want you to think this as a "windfall" for the city.

TxDOT and the state are simply giving with one hand and taking with the other. They are attempting to create an illusion that supporting these three toll conversions (US 183, SH 71, and 290 West) is benefiting Austin financially. It's not.

Are relocating utilities a big deal anyway? These are existing roadways, right? How expensive could it be to relocate utilities when the corridor for the road already exists and is simply being toll converted? Well, it is a big deal.

The footprint of a toll conversion project is necessarily larger than what's needed for a free road because you have to fit in toll lanes and maintain the preexisting free lanes too and keep them separate.  Our existing roads have right-of-way corridors for expansion were not planned for the larger footprint required by toll conversion. The larger footprint means extra right-of-way must be acquired and utilities most be relocated.  This can be surprisingly expensive. In fact, it's a good deal more expensive than actually building the road in fact in the cast of SH 71.

IMPORTANT: For a typical roadway project, 90% or more of the project goes where you think it would go: building the road . But if you examine the TxDOT toll conversion analysis for SH 71, you see only 35% of the cost of the project is for roadway construction. Over half the cost of the $168 million project goes to buying new right-of-way (20%) and having to relocate utilities (35%).

This is what makes TxDOT's offer to rebate the city's fresh-from-the-legislature newly created utility relocation obligation so infelicitous. The cost the city of Austin is supposedly being rebated is a creation of the roadway's toll conversion.

We can argue about whether Austin pays 50% of the utility relocation costs for toll conversions or not, but the fact of the matter is that toll conversion takes an existing roadway and through its larger footprint and tolled operation makes for a more expensive road to build, operate, and maintain than a free road does.  TxDOT and the state don't ultimately pay for the utility relocation or right-of-way expenses when toll conversions occur.  We all must understand that WE ultimately pay for the added expense of these toll conversions.


Betty Dunkerly stated yesterday, "...this means our community will save half of the cost of utility relocations through this "insurance" policy."

Betty's "insurance" argument is an excuse. We've had plenty of excuses, but only a few champions that will fight for the people on this issue over the past year.

Betty Dunkerly had the toll authority's vice chair, Lowell Lebermann, act as a "bundler" in her last campaign. Bundlers collect money from a number of people for the candidates.

These contracts were slipped in last minute, by design, with no public debate. The Governor signed House Bill 2702 with it going into effect the day he signed it, as opposed to September when most bills go into effect, again by design. And the City manager signed these contracts days ago and Council and the public found out about it Tuesday. All by design, in rush to bypass the public process.

These contracts get us a few step closer to tolling our freeways. If the council accepts the 50 million unexpected "slush fund", there is a more likely chance they will go to CAMPO to vote and not want to give it up. They will have an INCENTIVE to vote for the toll plan again. It's a bribe. If they vote for it, that means they already have plans to spend it on their pet projects. They get the one time 50 million and Central Texas families get closer to paying hundreds of millions a year for freeway tolls. It's bad government. And, it can cripple our economy. And, Betty has already said she is for the $51 million contracts. She stands for her toll authority friends and a pile of slush fund cash, while we stand without representation.

Why did Perry's signature on HB 2702 go into effect last week instead of in September, as most non-emergency legislation?
Why hasn't the city given myself and others the contracts to look over yet?

Mo-Fo Secret Corridor Deal

For months, Rick Perry bragged how his 50 year secret deal with Cintra would build part of the Trans-Texas Corridor without the use of any public funds. And when Perry and Cintra signed the deal on March 11, Gov. Rick Perry's news release said the construction would be done "at no cost to taxpayers."

Now, some of the secret Perry deal "truth" is coming out. Cintra is seeking public funds, and that was part of the Perry deal from the beginning. Perry's spin doctors are hot on the case. But, even the best spin doctors can't retract this misdirection.

Dallas Morning news has the details about the public funding.


Mo-Fo Update!

Rick Perry "Adios, Mo-Fo" line of clothing for sale at CafePress.com

The great Kelso has a Statesman article that is just hilarious:
"...This week, the Texas governor got caught saying "Adios, Mofo." This line will follow Perry around like a dog after a ham sandwich.

Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty, or give me death."

John F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Rick Perry? Best he could do was, "Adios, Mofo."...READ MORE (lol)

FREEWAY TOLL TAX SCAM: Tollers sales pitch withers with a year.

Opens the door to open-ended new taxation that will amount to "THE LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN TEXAS HISTORY.”
--Lyle Larson, Bexar County Commissioner

Over the past year or so, crucial information from TxDOT, our RMA and politicians like Mayor Will Wynn about converting our freeway system to toll roads has fluctuated drastically. In contrast, the permanence of tolling our freeways is forever.

In early 2004, TxDOT District Engineer Bob Daigh told the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), and the public, "the toll plan cannot be changed". Within months, the freeway toll plan did change. The MoPAC/Wm Cannon bridge, one of the many roads we've already funded with gas tax dollars, was removed from the plan.

Throughout 2004, CAMPO board members such as Mayor Will Wynn said if they didn't vote yes to the toll plan, we'd risk losing $161 Million of the Texas Mobility Fund to other areas of the state. Fast forward to last month, when the powerful Texas Bond Review Board voted unanimously for an amendment that made it clear, "toll roads will not be a prerequisite to receive Texas Mobility Fund dollars".

In March of 2004, a Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) press release, as well as numerous public statements, TxDOT's Bob Daigh said, "...the alternative of paying a two-to-three-dollar per-gallon gas tax would never be accepted.". Fast forward to April of 2005 when CAMPO Executive Director, Michael Aulick, estimated it would cost only an additional 3.5 cents per-gallon gas tax for the same plan without tolls. Fast forward again to last week when the Michael Aulick revised his estimate even lower - to about 2 cents. 2 cents is certainly a universe away from $2 to $3 dollars. At the least, shouldn't Bob Daigh be fired for lying to neighborhood after neighborhood in the spring of 2004?

Throughout 2004, TxDOT, CTRMA and toll proponents said the toll plan would help solve our traffic congestion. Fast forward to today. Many citizens in South West Austin have taken a closer look at the tolling of their local highways, 290 West and 71. They realize traffic congestion, on the free frontage roads with numerous stop lights, will immediately get worse. Many families that can't or won't pay $5 to $10 dollars a day to go back and forth to work will be forced to drive additional miles daily as they steer clear of our revenue hungry expressways.

In the summer of 2004, CTRMA & TxDOT claimed it would cost 12 to 15 cents a mile to drive on the freeway toll roads while the national average is 9 cents a mile. By the spring of 2005 the cost estimates shot up to 44 to 64 cents a mile. The comptrollers report found one section that would be $1.00 a mile. All of this from an unelected, unaccountable RMA that can decide what we pay for what is already ours.

Yes, the legislature didn't raise the gas tax or begin the overhaul the corrupt cesspool we call TxDOT this year. But, the legislature can revisit these issues every two years. If TxDOT and the unelected RMA crooks are allowed to toll our freeways, Texan’s future leaders will not have the luxury of revisiting the freeway toll issue every two years. Taking our freeways back, once toll booths are in place, is not a likely scenario.

Tolls are much more permanent, than the sales pitch Pro Tollers have been peddling.

It's also important to note that no city in our country has ever shifted a freeway to a tollway. This will cost Central Texans HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR, so the pivotal information we receive must stand the test of time, not wither within a year.

With Common Sense,
Sal Costello
Founder of www.AustinTollParty.com


Perry tells reporter, "Adios, Mo-Fo!"

Gov. Rick Perry was captured on a news video using vulgar slang.

VIDEO: Perry telling reporter, "Adios, Mo-Fo".

It's not the first time Perry has been videotaped in a faux pas. As lieutenant governor in 2000, an irritated Perry was captured on video asking a state trooper, "Why don't you let us get on down the road?" after his driver had been stopped for speeding.


TxDOT tries new tactic - RUSHED tolling contract with city.

The City of Austin is quietly trying to move forward with Freeway Toll contracts, that if approved by city council members this Thursday, will move us a few steps closer to toll portions of our freeway system - 183, 71 on the East side and 290 & 71 in Oak Hill. This rushed double taxation agreement is being made so TxDOT can try to buy off the City with money, before the laws that were changed in the last session take place. TxDOT is desperate to "sweeten the pot" for any and all since the revenue generating plan will give them Hundreds of Millions of Dollars every year - and it all comes out of our pockets right here in Central Texas.

Why would the council members even consider these contracts? They just approved an independent review of the toll plan (phase 2-freeway tolls) that will cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars and take months to complete. ANOTHER PROBLEM: The independent review has already begun months ago, BUT the public has yet to see or be a part of it. The Statesman reported yesterday that there is a compromise being made - WITHOUT PUBLIC INPUT - AGAIN!!!. Tell City Council that you want the public involved - BEFORE DEALS ARE MADE with the Toll Lobby (RECA). Enough is enough. No more backdoor deals!

Now that we have 3 new City Councilmembers who said they would not allow their taking RECA (big developers behind the toll plan) campaign contributions to influence their stated opposition to toll roads -- this is their first test. Make sure they know you'll be watching - to see if they pass or fail with the people of Austin.

IMPORTANT: Send an email to all the Austin Council Members with this one email. Tell others to do the same ASAP. We need everyone to tell Austin City Council to say "NO!" to the new TxDOT & City of Austin tolling ROW contracts! City Council agenda items 85, 86 & 87 for this Thursday.

Other cities, look out for the same type of contracts in your coming agendas!

As always, after the council members vote we'll point out who the tolling weasels are.

85. Approve a resolution ratifying the Second Supplemental Contractual Agreement for Right-of-Way Procurement (ROW CSF NO.: 011313086) with the Texas Department of Transportation, amending the provisions of the Contractual Agreement regarding reimbursement to the City of Austin of expenditures for right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation for the proposed tolled portion of the State Highway 71 Project from Riverside Drive to Thornberry Lane and including the State Highway 71 intersection.

86. Approve a resolution ratifying the Second Supplemental Contractual Agreement for Right-of-Way Procurement (ROW CSJ NO.: 015109039) with the Texas Department of Transportation, amending the provisions of the Contractual Agreement regarding reimbursement to the City of Austin of expenditures for right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation for the proposed tolled portion of U.S. 183 Project from U.S. 290 East to State Highway 71 and including the State Highway 71 intersection.

87. Approve a resolution ratifying the Second Supplemental Contractual Agreement for Right-of-Way Procurement (ROW CSJ NO.:011308039) with the Texas Department of Transportation, amending the provisions of the Contractual Agreement regarding reimbursement to the City of Austin of expenditures for right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation for the proposed tolled portion of U.S. 290 West from Joe Tanner to Scenic Brook Drive and including the State Highway 71 Intersection.


Perry's Pink Slip

Why does Perry need to get fired? : Perry's Pink Slip

Strayhorn brand spankin new Website

Carole Keeton Strayhorn just opened her "Strayhorn for Governor" website. It includes Strayhorn's entire announcement speech.

Hot off the press today!: www.CaroleStrayhorn.com


Fury of the Grandma

In the hot heat of the Texas sun, and with about 500 in the crowd, Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn turned up the political heat on Gov. Rick Perry Saturday, formally announcing as a challenger in the Republican Primary.

"You know that Texans cannot afford another four years of a governor who promises tax relief and delivers nothing," she said. "Now is time to replace this do-nothing drugstore cowboy with one tough grandma," Strayhorn told the cheering crowd. Strayhorn specifically criticized Perry for his decision today to veto the state's $35 billion education budget and call a new special session without having a plan on how to overhaul public school finance. "A leader does not call a fifth special session costing taxpayers another $1.5 million dollars when he does not have a plan," said Strayhorn.

Earlier, Perry said, when asked about Strayhorn's comments on his leadership failure of school finance, "This is about one of the most, if not the most, important public policy issues that we have in this state, and politics is just white noise in the background and that's where it should stay.

Strayhorn called Perry's Trans Texas Corridor plan to build a 4,000 mile network of toll roads was branded a "$184 billion boondoggle" and "Trans Texas Catastrophe" His Enterprise Fund to lure new businesses to Texas was labeled a "slush fund."

Bruce Buchanan, a UT political-science professor, said Strayhorn's candidacy and the near challenge by Hutchison expose weaknesses for Perry among moderate Republican voters.

The Houston Chronilce has some great coverage as well as the AA Statesman, The UK Guardian, and my personal favorite keathmilligan.net VIDEO coverage where you can see and hear the announcement for yourself.


Hutchison won't run for Texas governor

Hutchison to run for senate, not governor HOUSTON CHRONICLE - U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in a stunning surprise Friday dropped her possible challenge to Gov. Rick Perry in next year's Republican primary and announced she will seek re-election. Hutchison's decision to not enter the governor's race occurred on the eve of Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn's own expected announcement that she will run against Perry....Hutchison's decision clears the way for Strayhorn to take Perry head-on. More of the story

Strayhorn Dream Team.

Carole Keeton Strayhorn has hired strategic pollster and consultant John McLaughlin of McLaughlin & Associates and media consultant Alex Castellanos of National Media Inc.

John McLaughlin has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for over twenty years and has earned a reputation for helping to guide underdog Republicans and conservative challengers to victory.

McLaughlin most recently helped Arnold Schwarzenegger say “hasta la vista...Davis” to Gov. Gray Davis in California.

Alex Castellanos has served as media consultant to five US Presidential campaigns. He has helped elect eight US Senators, six Governors, and enjoys over two decades of political consulting experience, both in the United States and abroad. Fortune singled out Mr. Castellanos as a "new style media master."

Many consultants agree, Rick Perry is vulnerable in a Republican Primary since he continues to fail to achieve a school finance solution. Perry tried to push for a solution in the 2003 session. The attempt failed.

The governor called a special legislative session in 2003 to again try to revamp public education funding, he pushed a plan to levy a $1 tax on cigarettes and legalizing video slot machines. The attempt failed.

At the beginning of this session, Perry declared school financing a "legislative emergency". Perry came into this session with a GOP-dominated Legislature and a mandate – and for the third time, again, he failed.

"Rick Perry has failed to lead, but he's succeeded at helping pass the largest tax increase in Texas history. The Tax and Spend Governor is masquerading as a Republican while he continues to seek new ways of taxing and double taxing Texas families more. For example, Perry has been pushing to privatize and toll our Texas freeways. He wants to toll freeways we've already paid for. Many of these freeways are not "existing highways" since we've yet to drive on them - they're currently under construction and fully funded with our gas tax dollars. That is Double Taxation. Freeways have never been tolled in the history of our country," said Sal Costello, Founder of www.TexasTollParty.com

See what Texans are saying: http://www.texastollparty.com/viewSignatures.php

Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn will make a major announcement this Saturday. June 18th at 12:15 - 16th & Congress (Just North of the Capital).



- - I n v i t a t i o n - -

Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn personally asks you to BE HERE for a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT this Saturday. June 18th at 12:15 - 16th & Congress (Just North of the Capital). Free Hotdogs, Free Drinks and Music. She says to bring the Family!

UPDATE 6/15/05:
Strayhorn planning major announcement Saturday AMERICAN-STATESMAN
NEW: Souce says Strayhorn to run for governor SA EXPRESS
Texas comptroller makes conspicuous plans for Saturday HOUSTON CHRONICLE

UPDATE 6/16/05:
'One Tough Grandma' for governor? DALLAS NEWS
"Mrs. Strayhorn's "One Tough Grandma" nickname has helped make her one of the most popular politicians in Texas, and one veteran Republican operative said he expected her to announce a bid for governor. But others with close ties to the GOP said she could use the festive event Saturday to declare her candidacy for lieutenant governor." -DALLAS NEWS

Strayhorn striking up band Saturday. Comptroller planning festive event to make 'major announcement.' AMERICAN-STATESMAN
"Strayhorn aides requested the closure of the 1600 block of Congress Avenue, said Capt. Charles Campbell of the Department of Public Safety."It shouldn't affect anything," Campbell said, because traffic will be light and the area will only be blocked for five hours."

VIDEO: Strayhorn may announce candidacy NEWS 8 AUSTIN
"Harvey Kronberg of the Quorum Report has strong reasons to believe Strayhorn will announce a run against Perry this Saturday. "The phones started humming last night essentially with Strayhorn supporters saying that they had been contacted that she was going to make an announcement this weekend," Kronberg said. "But I held the story until I had a chance to call her office. They elected not to return the call."

"The Tax, Toll and Spend Governor masquerades as a Republican. When in fact he's just a puppet for the special interests who seek to privatize and toll our Texas freeways for a profit. Freeways have never been tolled in the history of our country. Rick Perry has sold out Texans." - Sal Costello, Founder of www.TexasTollParty.com

The large tents and fans will help keep you cool on Saturday!

Strayhorn creates buzz, questions over Hutchison's future AP/DENTON RECORD CHRONICLE
"With Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn keeping the capital city buzzing with expectations of a weekend announcement of a run for governor, a big question for the Republican primary is "Where's Kay?" U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has long been considered a potential challenger to incumbent Gov. Rick Perry, and a Strayhorn run for the office could leave Texas' senior senator playing catch-up in what would surely be a bombastic campaign. "The odd person out is Kay," Republican consultant Bill Miller said Thursday. " -AP/DENTON RECORD CHRONICLE

Big Money Paves the way for Nations Most Expensive Toll Road Project.

Privatizing/Tolling our freeways and the Trans Texas Corridor Catastrophe ( 4,000 miles of Toll Roads) is Rick Perry's "vision" of Texas. Would someone tell him "TEXAS AIN'T NEW JERSEY!". Take a closer look at how looters like Perry benefit by $elling Texa$.


Congress Ave TOLL bridge?

A University of Texas, Department of Civil Engineering study, includes the following bridges as part of its toll study:

• Redbud Trail
• Loop 1
• Lamar Boulevard
• Congress Avenue
• South First Street

The UT Department of Civil Engineering gets some of it's funding from TxDOT.


TxDOT's "good old boy" network has managed to help it's contractors get fat, while we keep paying more for less. The General Accounting office of the U.S. comprehensive study shows a median cost per lane mile at 1.6 million. TxDOT's 130 just East of Austin is the largest highway project in the US and comes in at 7.6 million per lane mile.


TxDOT has managed to receive it's excessive budgets and still fail Texans. In a recent Allstate Insurance Co. safest cities for driving report, 9 of the bottom 33 cities on the list are in Texas. This failure costs lives, and the responsibility lands in the lap of TxDOT.


And, now TxDOT want to get into the revenue generation business with it's recent craze to toll our freeways. They want mini-TxDOT's all over Texas to do the same. They call these mini-TxDOT's Regional Mobility Authorities, RMA's for short. Rick Perry's TxDOT is out of control. Every Texan, every Democrat and every Independent needs to step into the republican primary voting booth and vote him out.


I can see TxDOT's thought process...Sure, people tend to like bridges. People will naturally want a dry solution to cross over some water, and they will want to bring their cars. It's a goldmine for tolls!

The UT study, "Road Pricing Simulations: Traffic, Land Use and Welfare Impacts for Austin, Texas" with Kara M. Kockelman, Ph.D., P.E. as a corresponding author, is an "interesting" read, it states. "There are many instances of bridge tolling, road tolling and cordon pricing, in the U.S. and around the world.". It fails to mention the bridges studies to be tolled are EXISTING.

In the study, you will find, "The bridges identified for tolling are those at Redbud Trail, Loop 1, Lamar Boulevard, Congress Avenue, and South First Street, henceforth referred as “Bridge Toll Candidates” as shown in Figure 1. The federally funded IH 35 bridges are also of interest but there are issues with tolling federally financed roads."

LINK: Replace Tollers


$7.6B Toll industry is closing gap on $9B porn industry.

Everyone knows Porn is big business. Well, Tolling is quickly creeping up from behind. And seeing how they want to privatize the freeways we've already paid for, it's anyone's call which industry has more integrity.

Click Here


TxDOT documents surface. Another Double Taxation freeway toll found!

Add one more freeway, that we've put hard earned tax payers dollars into, to the long list of double taxation tolled freeways. After almost a year of searching, TxDOT documents have finally surfaced from 1985 and 1997. They help illustrate a 8 year old TxDOT commitment to build 45 South.

The Travis County Commissioners Court put the Right of Way (ROW) purchase item for the South end of MOPAC extension on the November 1997 ballot. VOTERS APPROVED THE BOND ISSUE FOR 45S. Taxpayer dollars (local taxpayer bond funds) were used to purchase the ROW. It was up to TxDOT to build the road. TxDOT failed to do their part of the deal.

If they weren't committed to building the road back then, why did they have the taxpayers buy the ROW?

Based on this history, I think it is outrageous that they would put a toll on a ROW we've already paid for.

Strangely enough, CTRMA's Feasibility Study for 45 South shows $2.9 Million needed for ROW & Utilities. TxDOT hides the fact that the ROW is completed and paid for by taxpayers with three markings that say "n/a" (found in the ROW status sections of the study).

An interesting note: Karen Sonleitner and Samuel Bisco were Travis County Commissioners during this time period. AND, in all these years they failed to press TxDOT to build 45S. BUT, they voted to toll 45S even with the ROW that we already paid for.

See the minutes here for Commissioners Court on August 5, 1997 (Item #10): http://www.co.travis.tx.us/commissioners_court/minutes/1997/1997index.asp I have not seen the Commissioners Court meeting tape of August 5, 1997, but it might be of interest (Item #10).

We've got some real fun stuff coming up to stop the double taxation of our freeways. Hope to see you at our next meeting. Place this on your calendar now: Saturday, June 18th, 11 to 1, Austin History Center, 9th & Guadeloupe - Bring others - let's take our city back from the special interests! 371-9926


Beefed-up Independent Study could save Central Texans HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars every year.

A managed lane facility in San Diego, California includes two reversible express lanes in the median of I-15. These lanes are separated from the other lanes with concrete barriers.


Council Members Brewster McCracken, Raul Alvarez and the Austin Toll Party worked hard to get the original independent study approved by Austin City Council months ago. That same study of Central Texas freeway tolls (Phase 2), will likely be expanded to include evaluation of using managed lanes rather than full-fledged tollways.

Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization board voted Monday to endorsed the study. That vote is expected to pave the way for the additional dollars needed to expand the original study. The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and Travis County and Williamson County commissioners courts are considering kicking in all or most of the additional $200,000 the expanded study will require.

Charles River Associates, a Boston company, has already begun the study. Most of the extra cost will go for computer modeling of the costs and performance of putting managed lanes -- typically free for carpools and buses with tolls for single-occupant vehicles -- on major Central Texas highways. Computer modeling assimilates a wide variety of data and then forecasts the future efficiency of a transportation plan. TxDOT and the CTRMA failed to provide any other options to CAMPO last summer, other than tolling Central Texas freeways. Therefore, the Phase 2 toll plan was never compared to any other options.

The independent study promises to include televised public hearings, where the public will be part of the process. A schedule of the public hearings is expected to be released in July.

The 9 to 12 month expanded study, along with our continued Austin Toll Party political pressure, may prove to be the "death nail" to the double taxation of Central Texans. In the end, the expanded study may save Central Texas families HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars a year in tolls as well as valuable time on the roads we've already paid for. We've done a great job to date, but, we've got a lot of work to do. So roll up your sleeves and call 371-9926 today.


What does it take - for someone to get FIRED around here?

Michael Aulcik, Executive Director of CAMPO

This letter was sent to all 23 CAMPO board members, and most local elected leaders in CAMPO's 3 counties.
Mr. Michael Aulcik,

As the Executive Director of CAMPO, isn't it your job to provide correct, unbiased information to CAMPO board members? Month after month, your numbers change, waffle and just are plain incorrect. This is a disservice to the tax payers of this region.

Monday night, at the last CAMPO meeting, you had a slide that compared dollars that would be received for Phase 2 toll roads vs. the same roads without tolls. AGAIN, THIS MONTH, YOUR INFORMATION WAS WRONG.

This time, at least to the tune of $161 Million dollars. In the non tolled category you specified "0?", instead of the proper $161 Million.

I attended the Texas Bond Review Board last month when they unanimously approved the Texas Mobility Fund dollars with a crystal clear statement that toll roads would not be a prerequisite to receive revenue from a $4 billion Texas Mobility Fund bond issuance. This is the Press release from over a month ago (5/5/05): http://www.window.state.tx.us/news/50505toll.html

Your fuzzy data is unacceptable. It causes people to wonder why your numbers are biased and your mistakes always err on the side of the tolls. The citizens of Central Texas deserve a neutral CAMPO Executive Director, not one that tells the media the tolls are only new capacity, without the important fact that these roads are already funded with our gas tax dollars.

Shame on you.

Sal Costello


Hutchison and/or Strayhorn vs. Perry?

This Texas political insider says announcements will come ANY DAY...Will Hutchison and/or Strayhorn run for Governor? How vulnerable is Perry?
Click Here for the inside scoop.

And click here: "The people of Texas, all across Texas, are asking her to run for governor, and she is listening," said STRAYHORN spokesman Mark Sanders, repeating her standard answer.

Freeway Tolls still in CAMPO plan

CAMPO approved a $22.3 billion Tax & Toll plan Monday eve (6/6/05) with a YES to toll our freeways, while throwing a bone -- which could turn out to be more than a wishbone -- to the anti-double-tax toll movement. We need to rush right in and turn this to our advantage. See how you can help at the end of this article.

Approved 18-5, it includes making Ed Bluestein Boulevard, 71 East, 45 South, 290 East and 290 West toll roads.

Turnout was good, considering that a meeting is called in Oak Hill tonight AND our troops are focused on the current Austin City Council runoff this Saturday. Be sure to get your family, friends, cats & dogs out to vote today (last day of early voting) and volunteer with us this Saturday. Come to the office at 10 a.m. for a few hours or a day of campaigning.

Perhaps of greatest note was that EVERY last Toll Lobby guy including Pete Winstead and Robert Tesch and Bruce Byron were there wearing bright orange badges to support for the Tax & Toll CAMPO plan. The road lobby suits didn't even try to speak, in a change of tactics, but merely faced the politicians with their oversized orange badges, creating visions of sugar plums (campaign $$$$) in the minds of the money junkie politicians, no doubt.

We got to see the Toll Lobby scurrying around during a 5 minute "intermission". They were all there. What's important to understand is that, for years, the Real Estate Council has been attempting to hide themselves behind their representatives on CAMPO (Sonlietner, Barrientos, Krusee, etc.).  We (you, me and the thousands of people who are voting in the current Austin Council runoff) are making them come out to these meetings. And, we're pulling the sheets off these people -- and we will continue to teach the people WHO these people are and WHAT they are doing.

Brewster McCracken (and Biscoe) produced an amendment that was passed. It allowed the CAMPO staff to participate in an independent review study authorized by the Austin City Council earlier this year. This work can be a productive wedge that allows us to get our freeway tolls (phase 2) pulled from the plan.

In a strange turn, Brewster McCracken gave public praise to the top Toll Lobby individuals like Terry Bray and Bruce Byron - for helping with the amendment vote. I'll be watching this process. I've been told that we, the public, will be a big part of the independent review study. We'll take a wait and see approach, because this can in the long run help us. 

Please file for future reference that turn coat, Two Faced Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty, led the charge for the toll plan! He is, indeed, on an electoral slippery slope.

Texas Department of Transportation Austin district engineer Bob Daigh "promised" work will continue or begin on several of the controversial toll roads. But no "irrevocable" actions will occur, HE SAID, that would preclude the toll designations from being removed.  WE WILL BE DISCUSSING OUR STRATEGY FOLLOWING THIS CITY COUNCIL ELECTION ON SATURDAY, FOR TAKING OUR MOVEMENT REGIONWIDE, at our next meeting on:

Saturday, June 18th, 11-1 pm
Austin History Center, 9th & Guadalupe

There are key officials, involved in the current dance, we need to target for defeat in this upcoming election.  That entails seeing who's now positioning to run, meeting with them, and perhaps even drafting candidates to run.  Got any thoughts?  Send me a note.

Hats off to Becki Halpin (and Carol Cespedes) of Oak Hill, who stood up to the microphones twice, and was able to pressure CAMPO, to squeeze an additional TxDOT meeting for the Oak Hill community. Becki's point? How can the working people come to see the toll plans for Oak Hill at the "Y", if you shut down your "open House" at 7pm? She did a great job last night, as did every citizen that took a stand for Central Texans.

They still stand strong to represent us!

Todd Baxter (todd.baxter@house.state.tx.us)
Terry Keel (terry.keel@house.state.tx.us)
Eddie Rodriquez (eddie.rodriguez@house.state.tx.us)
Elliot Naishtat (elliott.naishtat@house.state.tx.us)
Daryl Slusher (Daryl.Slusher@ci.austin.tx.us)

Each of the five who voted no on Monday also voted no last summer. But Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty, who voted against the toll plan in July, voted yes this time. And state Rep. Mark Strama voted yes for the plan.

The plan:

* Assumes the population will double.
* Would add almost 1,000 expressway and tollway miles to central Texas.
* Increase congestion from 10 percent to 29 percent.
* Consider land-planning concerns put forward by Liveable City in recent weeks.

Note these items in plan:

* Two 'managed lanes' (generally, tolls for single-occupant cars, free to carpoolers and buses) added to Interstate 35 from County Road 111 in Williamson County to Slaughter Lane in South Austin.
* Two managed lanes added on MoPac Boulevard (Loop 1) from Parmer Lane to Slaughter Lane.
* Added lanes on U.S. 183 north of RM 620, managed lanes added south into Central Austin.
* Phase 2 toll road plan approved last year is STILL included, tolling our freeways in Austin. The first time any city in the US will toll a freeway.
* Eleven highways would be studied for tolls, including Texas 71 and U.S. 290 east and west of Austin, that in an earlier draft of the 2030 plan were shown as tollways. This was a battle we won. More battles to be won soon, with your help.

CAMPO members who voted YES to toll freeways we've already paid for:
(We must de-elect many of them in the coming months - with your help):

Will Wynn, Austin Mayor
Karen Sonleitner, County Commissioner
Dawnna Dukes, State Representative
Gonzalo Barrientos, State Senator
Sam Biscoe, County Judge
Gerald Daugherty, County Commissioner
Danny Thomas, Councilmember
Brewster McCracken, Councilmember
Dwight Thompson, Westlake Mayor
Mark Strama, State Representative
Mike Krusee, State Representative
Nyle Maxwell, Round Rock Mayor
Greg Boatright, County Commissioner
Steve Ogden, State Senator
Dan Gattis, State Representative
Franki Limmer, State Representative
Jim Powers, County Judge
Bob Daigh, TxDOT
John Travino, Cap Metro
(Rick Perry)

Together we are making real progress with real momentum. But, what happens next is up to you. We need you to join us in our fight to make our politicians listen to the people. Showing our political strength is essential.

What's next? IT'S GREAT - EXCITING STUFF! - Come to our next meeting on Saturday to learn about it, June 18, 11 to 1, Austin History Center, 9th & Guadalupe. Call 371-9926 today to volunteer (or donate).

Fuzzy TxDOT toll road construction numbers!

Added cost for toll roads may benefit private bid

Patrick Driscoll
Express-News Staff Writer

A private bid to take over proposed toll roads in San Antonio suddenly
looks brighter for a Spanish company and its local partner because state
officials have revised their cost projections for the projects.

Building a 22-mile toll road system on Loop 1604 and U.S. 281 on the North
Side would cost a third more and take two years longer than originally
planned, according to the latest numbers from the Texas Department of

Officials are tripping over several problems, including changing traffic
patterns and higher-than-expected increases in the costs of oil, steel and

The new estimates bolster claims by Spain-based Cintra and locally owned
Zachry American Infrastructure that they can build the toll network faster
and without public money — an offer state officials are now taking even
more seriously.

"The state doesn't have enough money to meet the needs," said Hope
Andrade, a San Antonio resident on the board of the Texas Transportation
Commission. "So for us, this is what we look for."

But the state won't move forward without the blessing of local officials,
who had expected to take over the tollways and use toll fees to expand the
system, Andrade said.

Yet local leaders, who have scant details on the Cintra-Zachry proposal
submitted to the state in April, aren't applauding.

"Until we know what it does, it's hard for us to say whether this is good
or bad for the county," said Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff.

Complicating matters further is that officials from another consortium
recently told Wolff they are considering making a proposal to build and
operate toll roads in San Antonio.

"They asked me what I thought, and I said get in it," said Wolff, who
declined to name the group. "I think competition's good."

For a year, TxDOT had planned to use gas taxes and other public funds to
build toll lanes on Loop 1604 between interstates 35 and 10 on the North
Side and on U.S. 281 from Loop 1604 to Stone Oak Parkway, then hand them
over to the Alamo Regional Mobility Authority.

The authority intended to extend Loop 1604's toll lanes west to Texas 151
and east to I-10 on the East Side, and the U.S. 281 lanes north to the
county line.

Over the past year, the Cintra-Zachry team developed its plan to use
private investments to construct both the startup toll road network and
the extensions, and open them to motorists sooner.

In return, the companies would collect toll fees of 15 cents a mile or
more for up to 50 years — money the mobility authority would otherwise use
to continue expanding tollways in San Antonio.

State officials are weighing the two options and could decide, with input
from the authority, by the end of this month. If the private proposal is
considered, a call for other bids will have to be made.

Last month, TxDOT increased the projected $450 million cost for the
startup toll system to $600 million. Toll revenue would make up the
difference, which means construction would be delayed while bonds are sold
— pushing back completion from 2011 to 2013.

The latest estimates aren't final — they could be off by 15 percent, said
David Casteel, TxDOT's head engineer for this region.

"You make decisions based on the data you have," he said. "When data's
updated, estimates are updated."

Some local officials aren't ready to let toll roads slip from their
control, and they suggest scaling back the startup project and slowing
down the extensions so that toll fees are invested into more tollways
instead of padding profit.

"I don't want to give away local control because we took the easy money
from the beginning," said mobility authority Chairman Bill Thornton. "I'm
looking at this over the next 30, 40 or 50 years."


Jennifer Kim's broken promise.

Jennifer Kim promised she wouldn't take Toll Lobby dollars. She broke that promise. Toll Lobby

Myself and Linda Curtis sat down with Jennifer Kim on May 21st and asked her why she broke her promise and took the Toll Lobby dollars. She told me "we really need the money".

Margot is the only run-off candidate refusing to take Toll Lobby dollars, and THAT is why the Toll Lobby is bashing her relentlessly. Get out and vote early for Margot everyone, and tell everyone you know to do the same.

Here's a good one. Former RECA President, Toll Road Lobby leader Tim Taylor, urging people to vote for Jennifer Kim:
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 13:07:49 -0500
From: "Taylor, Tim"

I urge you to vote for Jennifer Kim.

Thanks, Tim Taylor


CAMPO votes on $22 Billion TAX & TOLL plan June 6th



CAMPO will vote on a $22 Billion Double Taxation Tax & Toll Plan called 2030. Come see who fights for the people and who fights for the Toll Lobby. We need you here, the Toll Lobby folks plan on "Filling the Auditorium" and they will be clamoring for the SPECIAL INTEREST deal of the century. We'll be there too -- it wouldn't be a showdown without you! Bring signs, friends and take a stand !

Come to the next CAMPO Board Meeting. It promises to be better than anything on TV (or the theaters)!

FREE T-shirt for the Best "No Toll" sign of the night.

This is a must see event. FREE POPCORN!
at the AustinTollParty.com table!

Monday, June 6,
6 pm, LBJ Auditorium
(26th & Red River)


Toll Lobby Exposed

Who is the GREEDY Toll Lobby?

Some say they just don't even exist. That they are just fiction.


Here is an example:
"The so-called toll road lobby we've heard so much about this cycle is mostly a fictional villain," said political consultant Mark Nathan, who helped Leffingwell and Dunkerley. "It's a political tactic designed to create the impression that there is some broad, insidious enemy network out there working to destroy our quality of life."
- 5/9/05 A.A.S.

Mark Nathan is a consultant that often works with Toll Lobby candidates and the Toll Lobby. Go figure.

The Toll Lobby is the reason our elected officials have ignored 93% of the public feedback that oppose the Double Taxation Toll plan. No city in the country has ever shifted it's freeways to tollways. It's never been done.

Learn the truth about the GREEDY Toll Lobby here: http://www.austintollparty.com/greedy_toll_lobby.php

Do we get to vote on toll roads? NO.

Recent news articles are leading some people to believe that a new bill - HB 2702 will allow us to vote if a road becomes a toll road or a free road. That is not the case.

HB 2702 does nothing for Central Texas and other communities around the State that have our freeways being shifting to toll roads. Krusee and Staples created HB2702, and thier very limited definition of "conversion" does not apply to the toll roads here in Central Texas, even though many of them are 100% funded with gas tax dollars.

Also, any projects that were approved before the September 1, 2005 also don't count.

HB 2702 does nothing for Central Texas. It's certainly dressed up to look good, and has tricked a few media outlets. Don't be fooled.

What we need to do: Work together and FIRE the "looters" like Perry, Krusee, Wynn, Barientos, Sonlietner and more in every future election. Call Linda to volunteer at our Austin Toll Party office. We've got a lot of work to do: 371-9926

BOYCOTT Maxwell Dealerships!

As a Member of CAMPO, Round Rock Mayor Nyle Maxwell voted to TOLL AUSTIN FREEWAYS.

Nyle Maxwell is the evil twin of the evil Mayor Will Wynn. They both voted to place tolls on roads we've already paid for.

As President and CEO of the Maxwell Auto Group, Nyle Maxwell oversees the operations of eight different dealerships. Nyle Maxwell tolled us. Let's put a toll on him.

BOYCOTT Maxwell Dealerships until Nyle "Double Tax" Maxwell and CAMPO STOP tolling roads we've already paid for!

Austin: Maxwell South, Maxwell Ford, Maxwell Town North, Maxwell Dodge

Round Rock: Maxwell Nissan Round Rock, Maxwell Pontiac GMAC Round Rock

San Antonio: Maxwell Freedom Chevrolet Taylor: Maxwell Taylor

Click here for Maxwell Boycott Page

TxDOT's Tuesday "Open House": Bring your own chairs

TxDOT has promised community input on the tolling of Oak Hill at the Y since August of 2004. Instead of scheduling a meeting last year, they waited. They also chose to not have a sit down meeting where the community can learn from each others questions and answers. Instead, they chose a divide and conquer approach by scheduling an "open house". They scheduled this meeting late in the game so our input cannot possibly be used in changing the plan.

Months ago, in this paper, TxDOT's John Hurt told a gazette reporter that it was too late for any input to make a difference.

Bob Daigh says the $76 million of funding in the Oak Hill Y project is not used in the tolls. He also stated the William Cannon Bridge at MoPAC was not already funded. But we know the truth. Remember this fact: No city in the country has EVER shifted freeways to tollways, added capacity or not. EVER.

Stubborn elected official like mayor Will Wynn continue to ignore the public and support a Toll Lobby plan that will triple our traffic congestion in Austin.

Enough is enough. These people are supposed to work for us.

It looks like TxDOT will not provide chairs, so bring your own. Let's go to this "sham" of an open house and be heard.

TxDOT Open House
Tuesday, June 7th 11:00am - 7:00pm
ACC Pinnacle building, 10th floor
WE STRONGLY SUGGEST that everyone shows up at 6PM.
We'll be there. Come on over to our table and help take back what is ours.

It's our city, our tax dollars, our roads. It's time to stop this Highway Robbery.

See you Tuesday at 6:00pm,
Sal Costello
Founder of http://www.AustinTollParty.com