

NEWS FLASH from CorridorWatch.org

Thanks to the Trans Texas Corridor, Texans can look forward to seeing the Spanish Flag flying high over Texas once again.

There's big money in toll roads and our new state highway corridor monopoly. And TxDOT's Spanish partner appears to want it all.

Remember state officials attempting to rebuff concerns about the world's largest engineering-construction job going to a foreign company? Have you heard them exaggerate role of Zachry Construction making the twenty-percent equity partner somehow sound equal to Cintra and it's eighty-percent stake? Remember how they told you that it would generate thousands of construction jobs right here in Texas? Do you remember being told that it would be a windfall for Texas highway construction companies?

The Associated Press in Madrid, Spain, reports today that Spain's largest construction company, Grupo Ferrovial SA, parent company of Cintra, has negotiated a deal to buy the Houston-based Webber Group.

The $220 million dollar deal will have Ferrovial fully acquire the Webber Group construction company includes W.W.Webber Inc., Southern Crushed Concrete and Webber Management Group. A statement issued by Ferrovial anticipates the sale to be finalized next month.

With the purchase of Webber, Ferrovial (Cintra) has bought themselves a Texas highway construction company on TxDOT's Prequalified Contractor list and one that has plenty of Texas toll road construction experience.

How many ways will our Spanish "partner" profit from the Trans Texas Corridor? And where, or from whom, will all that profit come from? And, perhaps more important, where will all that profit go?

You can bet that this is just the tip of the toll road empire iceberg.

It's time to buy a Spanish flag and prepare to wave it proudly as our state surrenders Texas highways, railroads, utilities and hundreds of thousands of acres of Texas to Spanish profiteers who will effectively own and operate our own Texas infrastructure for the next half-century.

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