
Dialog: Checking back with Karen.

7/26/2004 3:26PM - from Imacsal@aol.com

When are you running again?

7/27/04 6:17PM, Karen.Sonleitner@co.travis.tx.us writes:

My terms ends Dec. 31, 2006. The filing deadline for running for this job will be in Jan. 2006. Check back then. Karen

7/27/2004 6:23PM Imacsal@aol.com writes:

Find another job.

7/31/04 7:54PM, Karen.Sonleitner@co.travis.tx.us writes:

Sounds like you are fishing for one as well---slam books went out in grade school---try signing your name and address and take accountability for your words. Be courageous! Stand up for yourself rather than hiding behind a computer. Otherwise, have a nice day! Karen

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