
UPDATED: RMA toll authority spends more of our tax dollars for a Push Poll. CTRMA tolls will cost as much as 10 times the national average!

Open Records request reveals
RMA Double Tax
Toll Plan
in BIG trouble.

Poll shows only 13% think it's reasonable to pay
the new higher toll rates
after CTRMA
breaks toll rate promise.

An open records request made by TexasTollParty.com founder, Sal Costello, revealed an extensive push poll conducted in August 2005 by Wilson Research Strategies funded with Central Texans’ tax dollars through the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA). An undisclosed number of respondents in the Central Texas area answered a telephone survey lasting 30 to 45 minutes with 35 questions. The push poll questions ranged from if respondents had toll tags to if they think charging "higher tolls during rush hour to discourage unnecessary trips" was a good idea. As if traffic congestion isn't enough incentive to keep joyriders off the road!

A whopping 78% said it's a bad idea to convert existing highways to toll roads. 68% oppose charging higher tolls during rush hour to discourage unnecessary trips. Only 13% said they'll pay the 15 cents per mile or more, the latest amount the CTRMA says they will charge!


From spring of 2004 to early 2005, the CTRMA repeatedly promised
12 to 15 cents per mile for the public highway tolls. They told the public and CAMPO (elected leaders like Mayor Will Wynn and Judge Sam Biscoe who voted YES to the double tax toll plan twice since last year) that the public highway tolls would cost Texans the U.S. average of 12 to 15 cents per mile.


The fact is, the actual average cost of traditional tolls per-mile in the US is 9 cents. The CTRMA's poll showed that people would be willing to pay .093 per mile. However, the CTRMA's website today shows they have increased tolls from 15 to 18 cents a mile.

Since early 2005, local officials like City Councilman Brewster McCracken found the true costs of the double tax tolls will be MUCH higher than 15 cents a mile - in many cases 30 to 43 cents per mile. Brewster has stated that TxDOT's own studies show 71 to the airport will be 64 cents per mile (the highest toll rate in the nation that I have found) PLUS whatever extra will have to be charged to build a $100 million intersection that is less than half a mile long! We could expect a toll rate of $1-$1.25 per mile on 71. That is the equivalent of a gas tax increase of $20/gallon. AND, Comptroller report on the CTRMA shows one at $1.00 a mile!**

MANY DOLLARS WORTH OF CHANGE A DAY EQUALS $1,000's OF DOLLARS A YEAR - for roads that are already paid for. One of the most telling responses of the CTRMA's poll
is question #20 (see below). It's nothing more than a desperate search for more money, it shows how this unelected band of crooks works. Remember, the Comptroller found these guys giving no bid contracts out to themselves and their crooked pals (including a convicted criminal and girlfriends of the CTRMA 'circle').

#20. In your opinion, what is a reasonable price per mile for use of a toll way?

Less than 5 cents..........37%

Between 5 and 10..........20%

Between 10 and 15.......10%

Between 15 and 20.........4%
Between 20 and 25.........5%
More than 25 cents.........4%
(Add 4 + 5 + 4 = Only 13% think 15 cents or more
per mile is fair - what percentage of folks will pay the $1.00 per mile tolls?)
Refused to Respond........20%

RMA's in other parts of Texas, such as San Antonio are also asking the same "How much will you pay" survey questions. San Antonio has police on hand, apparently ready for double tax toll rage, as they hand out questionnaires at intersection of an already funded loop 1604.

In a different tax funded CTRMA poll, from some months ago, the public responses gave negative personifications of the toll plan, such as:

"She's heavy set and bossy, her breath smells like smoke and convenience store coffee. She's cold and calculating."

"A teenager with their hand out for money and always hungry and always wanting to borrow the car."

Sal Costello, Founder of TexasTollParty.com said, "Gov. Perry, Mayor Will Wynn and other special interest politicians empowered this unelected, unaccountable CTRMA to charge us a toll for roads we've already paid for. This highway robbery, on top of growing gas prices, will surely cripple the pocketbook of the average family. At some point, these 'Tax Hungry' politicians must understand, that our already funded roads like 183, 45S, 71E, 71W & 290W must not be tolled!"

The CTRMA came under fire last March when Comptroller Carole Strayhorn released an 85 page report exposing the new toll authority’s double taxation scheme, lack of accountability, and the contracts without bids to CTRMA board members and their friends.

The CTRMA’s toll plan marks the first time in our country when tolls would be placed on public highways, many have already been funded with our tax dollars. Tolls have always been designed and built as toll roads and funded with investor dollars.


Sal Costello


Founder of TexasTollParty.com

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